W3R2 - doing ok so far: I did week 3 run... - Couch to 5K

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W3R2 - doing ok so far

Miller2 profile image
27 Replies

I did week 3 run 2 yesterday. It's going ok so far and I didn't have to deal with any hail stone this time at least! I am doing less distance now that the running times are increasing - I run slower than I walk it would seem! I'm still having to ice my legs before and after runs but they aren't as bad as they were a few weeks ago. My earphones keep falling out my ears which is driving me bonkers at the moment. I have really small ears and even the smallest ear buds are too big to fit properly and fall out after about a minute of running so if anyone else has any suggestions for headphones suitable for small ears I'd be grateful!

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Miller2 profile image
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27 Replies
jt24 profile image

I don't like to wear ear/headphones I just played the podcasts 'out loud', although varied volume accordingly- maybe an option?

Do not get hung up on your distance etc. It's all about increasing your stamina and completing the timed sections of runs so slower than a slow thing is absolutely fine :)

Well done, keep going :)

stecal profile image

Hi well done, with the headphones i had the same problem i have just bought some bluetooth ones with the hook on them that hook over the ear and find them much better they came with small medium and large ear buds.

Miller2 profile image
Miller2 in reply to stecal

all small earbuds are too big that's the problem. I've tried the over ear ones too but they still fall out and sort of flap about.

useitorloseit profile image
useitorloseitGraduate in reply to Miller2

I've got tiny ears and weeny ear canals so 'in ear' earphones were a no-go.  I use the old fashioned ipod white ones - they seem to stay in ok, but I usually wear a buff headband too so they stay get held in by that (actually I only use the right ear one (a) because I don't want to get run over and (b) because the left one is bust!!!(.

stecal profile image
stecalGraduate in reply to Miller2

Ah ok the ones i bought for me have sorted mine from falling out but i don't have small ears, the only other thing i can think off is to wear a sports headband like they sell on amazon with headphones in them.

yatesco profile image

Hey, congratulations! Hopefully you are starting to see the rewards of 'go slow, but do go'.

At this point I wouldn't worry about speed or distance, the most important thing is being able to run for the specified time COMFORTABLY. Well, maybe not comfortably :-) but not "flat out, can't breath" pace. 

AIUI everybody goes too fast in the early stages and it is almost impossible to go too slow. Some even say if you CAN go slower you should, although I am not sure I entirely agree.

The 'icing the legs' makes me wonder if you are maybe running too hard - can you slow down a bit?

As for the headphones - no idea, sorry. I was called 'Cauliflower ears' at school.... :-)

Ullyrunner profile image

Sounds like it's going well except for needing to ice the legs. Have you got a good stretching regime after each run? Maybe you need to slow it down a bit more!

Oldfloss profile image

I have tiny ears!!!!! You are this first person I have come across with the same problems as me...my ears are smaller than the children's were in my classes!  

I have to wear a hat to help  keep the ear buds in my ears!!!! Nightmare!!!! 

What I shall do in the warm weather I don't know! My current ear phones came with my Windows Lumia phone.. and they are the best I have had.. although I have to really twist them in!

 I have used an ear sleep band too.. and that worked... but looked a bit odd...mine was blue and slightly fluffy!! I have now, just, seen summer weight ones.. 


Sorry... more interested in ears than your run... it sounds good. You are making slow and steady progress.. despite hail!

Just keep on doing what you are doing... well done :)

Miller2 profile image

Trust me, I can't run any slower. I am going REALLY slowly. I think it's just because I'm overweight. I'm sure it's shin splints. My routine is to ice my legs, then get changed into my running gear, then do stretches for about 5 minutes then go out and do the podcast, come back do the stretches again then re-ice my legs. This seems to be working ok for now. They don't hurt anywhere near like they did. I'm getting on ok with the runs, I just go super slow (I could probably go faster but I don't want to for 2 reasons, 1 is my legs, and 2 is the fact that I don't want to go faster and then feel like I need to keep up that pace later on down the line (ie on a 15 minute run (ughhh). So I'm sticking with my current pace. I know Yatesco had a post somewhere with tips for newbies and it said 1, go slower, then 2 3 4 were other tips, 5 was you are still going too fast, slow down, then 6, 7 and 8 were other tips and 9 was that you are still going too fast (or something to that effect). So trust me, any slower and the snails would be overtaking me!!! On a plus point, I lost 3lb this week so that's 3lb less weight for my legs to lug round!

Mrssevendays profile image
Mrssevendays in reply to Miller2

Oh we are twins! I'm hoping to keep icing and stretching and running. And melting of the fat! 

LonelyWalker profile image

I'm using Yurbuds for women, they were £12 from Amazon. There is a knack to them, but once twisted in they won't come out until you tell them to!


As for going slow, I'm sure my walking pace is faster than my shuffle run! But I don't mind, I'm getting there and that is the main thing. W4R3 is next for me on Wednesday!

Miller2 profile image
Miller2 in reply to LonelyWalker

you can't beat a good shuffle run!

Miller2 profile image
Miller2 in reply to LonelyWalker

do the yurbuds go in easily? And is the twist function easy? It sounds painful?

LonelyWalker profile image

No, they aren't painful! You just twist them in, then twist the other way to take them out. They are great in the rain too, plus they don't block out what is happening around you so I can still traffic and footsteps!

Miller2 profile image
Miller2 in reply to LonelyWalker

I've ordered a pair so hopefully they will come in the next day or two and fingers crossed they will fit ok.

Miller2 profile image
Miller2 in reply to Miller2

The yurbuds are still to big and won't stay in - they take much longer to fall out (maybe 5 minutes rather than 2 but it's still annoying and they're not that comfy because they are so big. Plus it's so windy here, the wind gets in and I couldn't hear the podcast even on full volume so they are going back I'm afraid. Back to square one :(

plop profile image

I got the same problem but only with my left ear, I have to do it monaural.

Mrssevendays profile image

Good job, you! Why do you need to ice? I finished Week 1 Run 2 this morning and my shin splints were hideous. I hobbled home and iced them, which helped. I'm trying to decide if I need to take a break or keep icing and stretching and running.

Miller2 profile image
Miller2 in reply to Mrssevendays

Really bad shin splints. I'm on my feet most of the day too so not getting enough of a break. The icing is helping though. Not done them in a few days but they have been twinging again today so might do them later.

Mrssevendays profile image
Mrssevendays in reply to Miller2

Ouch. Hopefully you and I will both recover from this painful condition. It hurts!!!!

Miller2 profile image
Miller2 in reply to Mrssevendays

Tell me about it. I had 2 weeks off after week 2. Fortunately it didn't put me back to where I started in terms of the stamina I've built already.

LonelyWalker profile image

I have found magnesium oil amazing for aches after I started the programme, it has worked wonders for me. So much so, that even my mother now uses it for her dodgy knees!

The reviews for it on Amazon are great too, I'm now using their B12 spray as well, I'm a complete convert!


Miller2 profile image
Miller2 in reply to LonelyWalker

I've just ordered some. I'll try anything :)

Als_mum profile image

Bone conduction headphones? They sit on your temples with the band round the back of your head. You can still hear clearly and I find them much more comfortable, You're also able to hear what's going on around you, so potentially safer too.

Miller2 profile image
Miller2 in reply to Als_mum

would they work with ear plugs? It is so windy around here, if I don't have headphones in the wind makes my ears sore.

Als_mum profile image
Als_mumGraduate in reply to Miller2

Just tried a slightly unscientific experiment - in the sense that I recently broke one side of my bone conduction headphones and I don't have any earplugs. However, by using the working side and pressing my ear closed with a finger (!) I could still hear the lovely Laura's voice perfectly clearly. They're not cheap (at least by my standards....!) so you might want to try an actual working pair in a shop or borrowed before you buy. Hope that helps.

Bexd12 profile image

Hey, I know You may of found the solution to both of your problems here but have you tried putty in your ear on top of the headphones you already have? You can get it pretty cheaply and it's supposed to be good for smaller ears...

The brand is called Sugru and you can find it on amazon etc, or you could get an unbranded one I'm sure too..

Also I suffer from shin splints too and I know how horrible it can be, Have you tried taping your legs? I'm not really an expert on it at all but it seems like it could help.

Here's a link i found- youtube.com/watch?v=xICBWe-...

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