Hi all not feeling ok but finding it difficult to explain, I had a sigmoid collectomy 6 weeks ago and still not feeling good terribly constipated and feel my bowels are never empty and have lower back pain bloating and wind the only way I can explain is that after my operation my bowels felt as though they we not put back in the right place also have groin pain when trying to empty my bowels I have an appointment next week with my consultant and I don’t want to be fobbed off I know something is definitely wrong and worried that I won’t be able to fully explain my symptoms. My surgery was for a stage 1 bowel cancer.
What could have gone wrong: Hi all not... - Colon Cancer Conn...
What could have gone wrong

I hope the surgery will have helped long term.
Don’t forget your insides have been mucked around with, so they will take time to heal, but I wouldn’t know if you should have by now. Are you taking anything for the constipation?
I find if I don’t take 2 Laxido and some lactulose I can’t go, no one knows yet though if mine is gastro or gynae issues. It’s important that it doesn’t build up though whatever the cause, the pain can get extreme.
Make notes between now and your appointment, then go through them the day before, delete any duplicates, etc and give them to read over first. It makes things much easier than getting tongue tied and forgetting.
Take care, hope you feel better soon.
Hi thanks for the advice I’m taking 4 sennacot tablets every night and just about manage to go small amounts 3 or 4 times feels like something is just blocking the exit passage will start making notes now will let you know how I go on with the appointment hope you get sorted soon
Hit Tatty10 I hope you will get down to the bottom of the issues. You should appeal on the doctor to check your peristaltics as the surgery might have affected the nerves in the colon and they do not work properly. This means that they fail to contract in order to evacuate the colon. Are you on a post-op diet? Enough fibre, pure liquid (water, no coffee or carbonated drinks)and mostly mushy meals? Please be careful with laxatives as they can prevent you from naturally evacuating the colon. What is your dietary regimen and age?
Hi thanks for the advice I am 65 no special diet trying to have lots of fibre though.Was discharged from hospital after 5 days with no advice and left feeling totally abandoned only a district nurse calling every other day to change my dressings.
Hello, I am terribly sorry to hear that. Lots of fibre might be an issue as well as it is bulk forming. It is not advised for patients with inflammatory diseases. Apart from the dietary fiber, did you try to eat non-residue diet? Lean meat (no pork, processed meats and no beef) mushy vegetables, clear soups and plenty of water? How is your mobility? Are you able to walk? Do you have any family or access to some network of caretakers or volunteers? Are you in UK or US? All the best.

Dear Tatty10 ,
Thank you for sharing and I'm very sorry (and angered) to hear that you were discharged from the hospital without information and feeling I'm sure quite abandoned and left to deal with the aftermath on your own.
Recovery from bowel surgery can vary for everyone, but most people will say that it did take awhile for the bowels to "wake up" and also many find that their bowel habits are different from what they once were.
Do you know how much of your bowel was removed? I'm assuming that you do not have a colostomy bag, but instead they reconnected the bowel to the rectum?
Please come to your doctors prepared with a list of questions that you have regarding your symptoms currently, as well as what you can expect for recovery.
I'm going to start a post on here to get some attention and see if others who have had colorectal (bowel) surgery, can join and share their experience.
Please keep us updated and we're here for you.
~Nicole @ GCCA
Hi Nicole thanks for the advice.today I have my hospital appointment and will be fully prepared with my symptoms and questions all written down hopefully they will be able to shed some light as to whether my symptoms are normal or do I have other problems fingers crossed I have had a pretty rotten last couple of years with ongoing health issues
We'll be thinking of you as you go in totally prepared with your questions that you want and need answered!
Sorry to hear it has been a rough couple of years health-wise.
Be confident and clear with what you are asking at the appointment.
We're here for you and hope you'll share an update when you have one.
Nicole @ GCCA
I hope your follow up gave you some answers. I had my sigmoid colon and some rectum removed the end of May.
Its a horrible operation and does take several months to recover to a living standard and I was told up to a year for everything to really fully recover.
I also came out after 3 days but have never had any follow ups and saw no one at all until I started chemotherapy 8 weeks later and sadly mine has spread.
Exercise really does help keep your insides moving, but rest is also important so its a careful balance. I found that a lower fibre diet was best for me and still is. No nuts or seeds and I find some vegetables difficult.
Chemotherapy didn't help and now at post 8 weeks I'm trying to get on top of things again.
Being constipated will cause lots of pain and dragging feelings and feeling sick. I take stool softeners as soon as start having problems.
Be kind to yourself, you've been thorough a very stressful and difficult time. Stage 1 is as good a diagnosis a bowel cancer patient could hope for.
I have everything crossed just to hear im in remission.
Hi nuttyrider thanks for your reply not sure if my follow up has helped at all, consultant has requested a bowel X-ray didn’t give me any explanation as to why I am terribly constipation bloated and with lower back and groin pain, I am beginning to wonder if I have an unrelated problem. Very depressed about the whole situation then feel guilty because other people are worse off than me I really hope all is goes well for you 🤗
I've discovered feeling guilty and depressed is normal going through all of this. Not helpful with covid thrown in the mix and all my hospital appointments and tests are done alone.
At least they are listening to you and sorting out more tests. Six weeks really is still early days and there will be lots of swelling and internal stitches etc .
Try asking for something else to help aid your digestion with a different stool softer and try drinking lots more. Warm prune juice really does help. So does a morning coffee.
Be kind to yourself, I hope the dates come through quickly. What area of the UK are you. I'm southwest
Hi Tatty10 , thanks for keeping us posted on your appointments. When will you have the bowel x-ray?
It is discouraging to see a specialist and not get answers to why you are feeling so poorly.
Is it possible to see another specialist for a second opinion?
Please try to be kind to yourself - many cancer patients and survivors experience guilt. What you are experiencing is your own journey and there's no right or wrong way to feel as you navigate this world of going through a cancer diagnosis.
We're here for you and hope that you get some relief and answers soon.
~Nicole @ GCCA
Hi Nicole still waiting for my appointment I am really worried in case the NHS cancel all non urgent appointments my colonoscopy even though cancer was suspected was cancelled way back in March so have had lots of time to sit and worry.