So after 5 nights of drinking (I know, a bit much. Me and my wife were like “whoa we’ve been drinking alot in a row! we need to cool it..” Well it was just lined up events of birthdays and friends engagements which had us drinking like sailors. Anyway on the fifth day I had trouble with my bowels fully coming out. Which worried me, but i continued to eat regular normal food I would normally eat, Fried fish, calamari, Mediterranean etc. But I noticed a change in my bowel movements and pain/abdominal discomfort. First it was narrow poop. But then one day I had a solid mini torpedo poop. Then back to diarrhea/loose broken poo. Im worried and scared of what is happening! Today I did a liquid diet/plain porridge before bed and my stomach pain feels like its getting better. Inflammation? or Bowel obstruction? the big “C”?! AHHH! Google scared the living ish outta me…
Abdominal Pain/Discomfort Bloating, R... - Colon Cancer Conn...
Abdominal Pain/Discomfort Bloating, Ribbon poop.

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Im 32 years old..

Hi AnxiousDude10,
Thanks for posting with us. You could have a lot of different things going on. Has this happened to you before? Is it something that occurs after you go on a drinking binge ? There could be a lot of different things that are causing this . Truly, the best way to get some answers just see your doctor. Get some tests done find out what's going on. Instead of Googling things that it might be, just go straight for some answers for your situation.
I wish you the best in finding out some good answers.
Thank you,
~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.
Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.
I went to the ER this morning to just find answers right away. They did a CT w contrast and Ultrasound. Turns out I have Diverticulosis. Everything checked out good. Blood and urine. Full CBC and a bunch of other tests for pancreas, gallbladder and kidney functions. Told me to take it easy for 2 days. The pain has gotten better. Suddenly. Which i think was due to my anxiety/IBS.
So crazy how our minds control so much of our physical problems.
Glad you got the information you were seeking. I hate you had to go to the ER to get it, but having that knowledge is key. It gives a more meaningful direction.
And you bring up a good point. The mind can control many of our physical problems. We can think our way into anxiety. Some go through the same illness but don’t get anxiety. It’s interesting to see the different approaches to dealing with things.
Thank you soo much for reaching out. I was so out of whack and scared.. And no this was a first time. I also havent drank that many days in a row