Hi ive just had blood tests done, and ... - British Liver Trust
Hi ive just had blood tests done, and my liver ones are slightly up? should I be concerned? im watching my units right now,

I would take this seriously, best advice is talk to your doctor, don't be too alarmed but it is one of the pointers that something isn't right. Have you drunk a lot or more than the recommended limits?
Talk to your doctor. To encourage you, some of my liver tests were about 50 times normal. I'm still alive and recovering. I don't drink and I'm not overweight. If your symptoms are like mine, I found avoiding fats in food stopped nausea. To begin with a boiled egg was too fatty!
I agree with Kleam - talk to your GP. Cut down / cut out alcohol, lose weight and exercise if overweight. None of these changes will do you nay harm but they might do some good. Good luck
I would be very careful, don't believe in how many unit's you measure, each one of us are different, read as much as you can, about the Liver, it dose more than you think.
You only have one Liver, and it dose so much, treat it with respect.I only wish I had. Go to Doc's x
Speaking as one who has had liver cirrosis and luckily a transplant I cannot tell you in strong enough terms how important it is to stop drinking alcohol. I have not had alcohol for over 4 years and I was monitored for a year having random blood tests to confirm this before I was placed on the list for a transplant. I then waited for 18 months before my operation. In that time I had to stay within 2 hours travel time of my nearest liver unit. This was a tense period and limited my life around my home. I would not want to go through this again. If you do not want to also have suffer this experience this then you should immediately stop drinking.
Firstly-don't panic! It all depends on what's raised? What advice have you had? As others have mentioned-if you've been overdoing the grog then make an effort to cut down ! For a woman that's 14 units per week. I had a similar issue last year and a few periods of abstinence worked wonders. If you have fatty liver it can be reversed! Read the very useful posts here but again listen to the doc and keep records of any tests- very important! Good luck
i thought it was my kidneys at first but my liver is slightly up not immensley so, but not sure how much by percentage, ive cut down my drinking and know i cant go out and binge, im keeping to my units per week, and eating low fat and going back to the gym, have more bloods in 3 months, it has given me a wake up call! Thank you for all your answers it has been very helpful. At least there may be a chance of repairing it, and monitoring food and alcohol.
All the above advice is spot on- good luck!
There's definitely a chance of repair-just din't binge as this can wreck recovery-been there done that
Thank u Briccolone x
If your liver is showing stress of ANY kind, I recommend STOPPING all alcohol right now. Trust me, liver failure is NOT fun. Stop drinking.
It very much depends what particular tests have shown abnormal readings. Overall, if you tell your doctor that you drink alcohol he/she will automatically assume that's what causes the elevation, he/she will tell you to stop drinking and return in few months time. But alcohol is not always the culprit, so yes, stop alcohol and repeat the tests, hopefully they will come back fine and you then know what to do. But if they don't, you will need to persevere and get your GP to send you to a specialist for further tests to get to the cause. Cut down fatty foods too while you're doing this and you'll see even better results.
Kateline, did you see your gp? Just interested if you did and what they told you.

Hi they said cut down the units per week, and go back in 3 months time and have more bloods done
Hi everyone,
This is the first time I have been on this blog. Nearly 3 years ago my GP picked up some raised liver functions & mild diabetes...he sent me to a specialist. I was an average drinker and had no trouble sticking to the guidelines as the specialist suggested. Despite asking if I should just stop completely I was assured I would be fine.....I decided to stop all drink 7 months ago & I have now had a liver biopsy & told I have level 4/5 cirrhosis..from NAFLD.I have changed consultant & hope to stop it getting worse...obviously anyone with raised levels should stop all alcohol no matter what the cause.
ANy advice would be great....