My experience with breast cancer - British Liver Trust

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My experience with breast cancer

jomana80 profile image
8 Replies


Am jomana simaan Mansour happily married to the love of my life Socrates Mansour, we were blessed to be a parents for the most beautiful and talented girl in the world Lydia.

Am writing this article and am feeling thankful happy and very loved by the lord.

As a family we were supposed to immigrate to Australia in the date 27.2.19. so I started my physicals tests half year before

I made blood tests, endoscopy, gastroscopy, veins ultrasound and also, I insisted to make a mammography test for my two breasts and a breast test at a specialist for this and she guided me after the mammography results to make an ultrasound for the two breasts. This triple check is very common together to eliminate any doubt that we may have. The results of these three checks hadn’t shown any suspicious tumors or cystic or infected masses. that was at June 2018 after all these results

The specialist doctor Pnina Angelman a surgical doctor for more than 25 years she said no worries for now but we will double check the right breast gain in 12/18 with a mammography and then we will be 1000% sure that everything is okay and you’ll travel to Australia with a peace of mind.

To tell you the truth I was a bit worried and at that time I consulted two doctors that I know and they said you have nothing to worry from the results you got so don’t be over thinking about it, go and check again at December.

The date has come at 7/12/18 before holidays and Christmas and before my brother visits us from USA.

I went to this mammography alone like I did before but at that time I was very dizzy tensed and nervous my dears I felt something wrong but I didn’t know what exactly is.

I usually suffer from allergies all my life but in the late three months my allergy got stronger, I was scratching all my body for a month and my allergic asthma was unbearable even I needed stronger medicines for it than I was used to have regularly.

So, I finished the test and went home. A week after I took the CD of the results to Pnina Angelman the specialist surgery doctor and she checked the old and the new results in the two CDs and she said confidently, clearly and loudly I don’t see any difference between the two mammography we did but she also mentioned clearly and surprisingly that the radiologist wrote that there is a bit change in the cells of these masses we had before as good and unhurtful ones. So, as it supposed to be, we need the second test which is supposed to be this time a very precisely ultrasound with an excellent doctor that Angelman knows from Zebulon hospital where she used to work.

The date 10th of January of the test came I went with my husband and I got in the ultrasound alone. the doctor name is Charbel Hashoul from Haifa city, as we started the test I said am married to an Australian guy and have five years old and we are supposed to fly to Australia in the 27 of February. the doctor said I learned in Australia I said what a coincidence and he also mentioned that he has a 5 years old daughter.

He continued to check and his face showed some concerns that I didn’t expect to see, and I asked what’s going on is everything ok? Then he answered me I guess you have something suspicious in your right breast I started to breath heavily I asked him to bring my husband to the room so he can understand more calmly than me , and the doctor explained your wife have something that looks like a tumor and what is good that the lymph looks clean but am suspicious about 3 masses, he said the good news that they are smaller than a peanut and you’ll be a 100% healed but for now delay all your plans for Australia.

I started to cry and Socrates tried to calm down he said you have nothing until we make a biopsy test, he supported me hugged me while am crying and nervous. The doctor talked to my husband while I was resting in the waiting room and arranged for us a very near date biopsy which was after 5 days from the that day. We went out to the car I have already turned to another person a different person from who I am used to be, a person who doesn’t smile doesn’t laugh doesn’t tell jokes, turned to be a person who’s full of sorrow, pain, worries, anger and full of self-pity. Yes, sadly I was like these three long weeks.

Five days had passed and the day of the biopsy had come and i didn’t have any idea what the test was supposed to be, at first I waited two hours until the doctor hashoul took me in, he is super busy, then we started by hi how are you then began with the test, first step local anesthesia then one cut in each time and three very small biopsies from each cut using a wide needle each time they clean the blood and continue , actually I didn’t feel any pain only it took him 2 hours to finish the four tests and taking out 12 biopsies, three from every suspicious mass includes the lymph nodes. I have to mention In this test there was a very nice energetic woman nurse her name is Esther that helped the doctor to make an exact and great job and to help us find out what is going on in my breast, also I need to mention that, while the test is not that comfortable I prayed most of the time and a bit chatted with both of them about nice things which it eased the whole progress to end faster and nicer. After this the doctor said that am brave and proud of me that I helped them finish the progress successfully, but Asther stopped him and said about me she’s not only brave she’s a hero. It brought a smile to my face I need to confess I felt stronger and more thankful at that time than before the test, also less angry about the doctors assumes from the last test.

Later in one hour after the test I went home with my husband, we ate something in our way home and then the painful part started, I was crying and shouting from pain after the anesthesia fade away. I took a lot of pain relievers while that week and the next week too, I was also not functioning well as always because of the stress of waiting for the results and then the time has come and two weeks and a half have passed and I called the medical center and they sent the results to my family doctor.

I was also invited by nurse Esther to Zebulon to meet doctor Sherly the new surgery specialist doctor and discuss the results and what next steps we need to be taken.

My family doctor called and told me the news very carefully and nicely .it felt like cold water over my skin I felt a very strange calm down and I started to think positively how to get healed from this illness cause what I got there is two little tumor masses and one is not a tumor the infected ones are 1.3cm and 0.6 cm and they are not aggressive and can be taken out of my breast with no need to cut the whole breast and also I was told that for sure the lymph is all clean and no chemo will be taken for my healing process, and ill only have a surgery and get better, they will take the whole cancer from my body and its stage 1 a .

I was so thankful to god so calm with a very strange acceptance for my situation, god granted me a serenity to accept the things I can’t change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference between. This prayer has accompanied me for more than 16 years and it is helpful and it’s a great language to connect to THE FATHER, SON AND HOLLY SPIRIT. So endless prayers from my beloved ones have accompanied me too and moms care and love were my strength all the way until now.

So, three days later we went to doctor Sherly and we were told the same news and she asked me to me make a few important tests before surgery and a MRI test which is the hardest and most frightening test I’ve been through in whole my life.

God was always a step before us no matter where we went, I felt serenity wrapping my soul anywhere I went, I felt blessed and chosen by the lord, I had comforted other people that are suffering or having the same process I had.

And today am waiting for the surgery in the next few coming days and am praying for a complete healing for me and for any one that is suffering in any way in this world.

All I wanted to say here in this article that an EARLY check for breast cancer is the best way to SAVE more lives.

In Israel 1 of 4 women has this kind of cancer and the best way to treat it is in its early stages dear.

Any one who reads my article that will be continued after the surgery has a human duty to publish it on his Facebook wall or anyway in social media so he/she can help me save more lives by spreading this awareness all over the world.


Jomana Simaan Mansour

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8 Replies

This is a secular forum concerning liver disease and I wish you every success with your treatment.

Dr’s names are not allowed.

jomana80 profile image
jomana80 in reply to

Ok sorry I'll erase the post if you just guide me how


We are sorry to read of your traumatic journey with breast cancer and hope you recover well.

This forum is for people with liver conditions or who are worried about their liver- Maybe you meant to have posted this on a breast cancer forum instead?

Wishing you well,


jomana80 profile image
jomana80 in reply to

Thank you am sorry for the misunderstanding

Grank profile image

You are quite right. It is important to always check your breasts. Good luck with your breast cancer journey. We have several really good forums for breast cancer in the U.K. you may want to look into.

jomana80 profile image
jomana80 in reply to Grank

Yes my dear and thank you so much

I would love to

Please guide me

Grank profile image
Grank in reply to jomana80

U.K. Breast Cancer Group - for supporters and survivors. It’s a closed group and you have to apply to join.

jomana80 profile image
jomana80 in reply to Grank


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