Well this is my first, I’ve been completely anxious that I have cirrhosis. Reluctant to visit gp dreading news I couldn’t bear to hear I just continued to dwell in my negative thoughts. November 11th I found a lump on my breast. Scared straight I finally bucked up the nerve in tears to visit gp. Received a referral to get a mammogram not being of age to have annual ones yet got an ultrasound followed by a biopsy I have a very severe breast cancer diagnosis. My surgery was postponed due to contracting covid over the holidays(hooray just another set back)But I’m terrified the surgery is going to kill me, I’m positive I cannot handle the year long chemo I’m about to undergo. I have a family a young one I need to be here for them. Anyone have any words of wisdom if a damaged liver can in fact handle the awful reactions of chemo. I need to have a year of a targeted hormone treatment as well. I hate addiction and I hate all the reasons we are led to self medicate. I’ve had such a rough road I need to find something positive and distracting to ease my mind. I’m broken ☹️
Probable cirrhosis and Breast cancer d... - British Liver Trust
Probable cirrhosis and Breast cancer diagnosis

Hi Kellbell.So sorry to hear about your breast cancer diagnosis and naturally you have worries about the chemo etc. I have a friend, a neighbour and family member who have been diagnosed too and their biggest fear was the treatment too and it's side effects. But you know what, once their radio/ chemo started they realised it wasn't nearly as bad as they feared. Half way through treatments now, yes their hair has gone, but it's only temporary and hey it's winter we are all wearing bobblehats. Never realised my friend could look so good in a beret and when l told her she bought half a dozen more in various bright colours to match her clothes. Yes she has days usually straight after treatment when she feels a bit under the weather which she was expecting but has made a list of what she's going to do and where she's going to go on her 'good days.' She's getting through that list at a rate of knots and is planning to return to work in the spring, when treatment has finished.
We met up with our family member outside on boxing day, she looked so well you wouldn't know she had breast cancer, so happy and making the most o every day, being incredibly positive and keeping active, having trips away around the Country but recognising when she feels rubbish so rests when her body tells her to.
You my love can do this too. Speak to your nurses about your fears l am certain without doubt, they will help you face them, so you can take this disease by the scruff of the neck and tell it " You might think your moving in but you're only a temporary lodger !"
I wish you all the very best for the future.
Laura x 💕🌷
Thank you Laura For your response it really meant so much deep down from my heart. I pray I can get through this for my kids and my family and my worries of my liver issues are anxiety are not really the harsh reality. This last month has been the most trying terrifying month I’ve ever dealt with. Pray the 16 rounds of chemo and the bilateral mastectomy goes smoothly. I wish the lord more than anything to be the best mother for my kids and live long to see all of their accomplishments. Losing my mother when she was 50 unexpectedly as well as my daughter (20 weeks In utero) the very same day was the hardest most difficult pain. I want to fight this cancer to be here for my 4 children. I pray my liver can handle the terrible poison of chemo.
xoxo Kelly’s daughter and mother of 4 beauties
Bilateral mastectomy is January 10thI’m very afraid I won’t awake, my covid is still beating me down. Please if you can and find it in any of your hearts keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Each and everyone will mean the world to me.
This operation is carried out sucessfully hundreds of times a day. You will be in the very safe, capeable hands, of the surgeon, anesthetist and nurses. So stay calm, take deep breaths and you will come through, see your beautiful family and tell us all is fine. You are bound to be concerned so be sure to tell your nurses who will be there to hold your hand and reassure you through it all and we all wish you very best. Laura x
Hi Kelly,
Welcome to the forum. We are sorry to read what a stressful situation you are in and we are pleased to read the kind and supportive comments on here from our forum member Laura.
The nurses at CRUK helpline are really great, here is a link for you;
We are thinking of you and wishing you well for your surgery and treatment.
Warm wishes