Well not that long a run I suppose, 5k with Coach B and his 'Starting Lines'.
A beautiful morning, remembered to wear a peaked hat so no being dazzled by the sun. I decided I wasn't going to look at my watch at all, not even a little peep to check my pace or heart rate. I thought this would be a challenge but in the event I wasn't really tempted.
What probably helped was Coach B's first question: what piece of running advice has been most helpful? Obviously the bit about slowing down. Taking this to heart meant I wasn't tempted to overdo it, well, not until the last couple of hundred metres anyway when the urge to run a bit quicker took over
Whilst we were out we saw the two husky type dogs that were lounging on the boat the other day. They were being walked by their owner on a very short leash. One of them looked like he wanted to join me running but thankfully the owner wasn't having any of that. We also saw some sheep in a field. They looked at us like we were mad.
So that's week 2 more or less done. I missed one run - the 1000 seconds recovery run - but feel ready to move on to week 3. Or maybe I'll do the 1000 second run tomorrow. That's the beauty of this plan, you can adapt it around your own life.
PS (probably of most interest to the women reading this) I treated myself to a new running bra this week - bright red with a blue lining from Sports Direct, £15 reduced from £50. I think it must work really well as I was totally unaware of it while I ran. For some reason the black version is £26 and the white only £14. Hmm, lucky I like red sportsdirect.com/shock-abso...