All this week I've been travelling so this morning the idea of a run was both a bit daunting and really inviting. Too much sitting in a car meant my IT band and medial arch were bothering me a bit but I know from experience that both of these issues tend to go away when I get active.
The first run for Week 4 is a 30 minute recovery run, so off we went towards the forest. It's been so long since I've run here. Coach Bennett was in good form, '30 minute finish lines'. He did his usual bit about running slowly, I glanced at my watch...average pace for that km was 9'24". Just as well I wanted to do a relaxed run 😂
Some days I don't really like the 'finish lines' but today they were in line with my mood. One question was about food with disgusting names. Coach B and Daniel the Engineer made a few rather lame suggestions. I realised Coach B has probably never eaten British food - I had to restrain myself from yelling 'Spotted Dick'! He probably wouldn't be allowed to say that in a guided run
When we got to 30 minutes we were on a forest path quite a way from home. Neither of us felt at all tired so we just carried on. I reached 5.25km just as I arrived at the road that led to home. Perfect. I'd considered doing the 5k recovery run (run 2 this week) but thought it might have been a bit much. Didn't know my own strength. That was a really good run