I've decided to have a go at the new nrc 10k plan having read people's experiences here. Yesterday was the first run but today was the very short 555 secs. I wasn't sure about this one. Seemed like hardly worth putting my running kit on for! So because I'm also trying to do the January YWA I dressed in my gym kit when i got up and when I'd finished the yoga I went straight out. It wasn't raining! Coach Bennett was chatting away. I hardly felt warmed up but I really loved the sense of moving through the session at great speed and I always like coach Bennett's cheesy good cheer. So I'm feeling pretty pleased to have got started and definitely committed to sticking with it!
NRC 10K plan: I've decided to have a go at the... - Bridge to 10K
NRC 10K plan

I know what you mean about the gym kit - I ran in trackie bottoms, hardly dressed for it at all 😁Never known a run go so quick!

That's brilliant, I'm loving reading about people's progress with this. I can't wait to get started, I think beginning of February. You will all be half way through bu then
Well I might not be half way through! I've found in the past that it suits me best to do all the runs on the programme, so on this one five runs each week, but to take longer than a week to do it. This let's me always have a day between runs and sometimes two if I feel I need it. I like running pretty often but five times in seven days doesn't always work for me! Liking it very much so far. Seems quite varied and builds up reasonably slowly. Sometimes I might repeat a week as the distances get longer!
Ooo maybe we can be virtual run buddies…I ran W8R2 this morning, so after a few 30 minute runs I’ll be ready to start!

That’s a great way to do that run! A winter plan I was due to follow (until I got flu and binned it for just minimal runs to keep ticking over) had short runs on gym days. Going after yoga when you’re already in kit and stretchy is a great plan!
Loads of us on Team NRC 10k at the moment. It’s great to see you on board too!

Well done you... I was tempted, but as and when am sticking with Ju's Magic Plan again It will be a week or so, before I begin though x