I've been reflecting on running, trying to work out what's going well and how to improve what's not going so well. Consistency is the key, and we all know comparison is the thief of joy.....so why oh why do I get fed up that I'm not improving my pace?
I went out Friday and ran 5k, I jeffed a lot of it and pushed myself the running parts but was still no faster than usual, I was tired and achey after, didn't sleep well and missed parkrun ☹️ Saturday morning, then spent the rest of Saturday feeling low.
My daughter text in the evening asking if I fancied a walk, my immediate response was no! But after a minutes thought I realised it was a good idea. We took the dog to the beach where we clomped about in wellies and splashed in the sea. Very happy dog
Slept quite well last night which makes a difference and decided to go out, slow down, stop chasing speed, run for 25 minutes and come home again, so that's pretty much what I did, I ran round local roads, I breathed the fresh air and felt the sun on my back. I had coach B telling me to run easy, an 80's playlist in my ears (not sure why but I knew most of the songs) , best run for awhile, not too fast, not too far, think I'll do a few of these this week.
Photo from last night on the beach.
Run happy or rest well.