I seem to have run out of reasons not to go.....like, oh flip I forgot and just had breakfast....it's windy... It's wet.. I didn't sleep much..... hmm .So I thought I'd better go.
I headed for the beach, 5 minutes warm up walk, ran for about 10 mins, walked a bit, repeat. Found the steps that were renewed during summer, found the bandstand, to the beach, stopped....ooo shall I buy chips and walk home eating them? No, I resisted, took some photos, ran a bit walked a bit, met a lady closing down her beach hut so stopped for a chat, after a few minutes realised this could take a while so paused my watch, off I went again, ran a bit walked a bit, took more photos, ran up the slopes (didn't quite make it to the top), got puffed out, stopped the watch and set up a 5 minute walk cool down, 7 mins later am home......
My first 'proper' run since 3rd July.....so happy, it just goes to show what a couple of bags of liquid iron into the veins and an increase in levothyroxine can do.....for the first time for ages I feel like me again, an unfit very wobbly me but me all the same.....
Run happy or rest well all my VRB's and as ever, thank you for your support, I've had a sh**e couple of years and this forum has made a difference.