Been a different kind of busy today and didn't come home full of bounce and enthusiasm like I did yesterday. Found Willow had a visitor so I sat down and chatted to them for a while, Then it was raining, hmm that's what you get for being polite and not running straight out the door.
I chose a 2k run today, need a short run, rain stopped and out the door, walk a little way, set off Spotify,. Set off Garmin then set off NRC 2k run and off, very gentle start because I hadn't walked for a whole 5 minutes, labouring away, I haven't eaten or drunk much all day, but I'm out and it's day 3, it will get easier, I just need to build up the habit.
Over the bridge, gloomy grey sky, just a hint of pink on the horizon.
1k run, turn and run fast back towards home, up over the bridge, breaking no records but now my legs feel warm and I start to enjoy it! Along the road, cross the road and keep running,
2k run and home .
It was only 2k but the second one was slightly faster
Run happy everyone orr rest well.
I haven't got a photo today so here's one my friend sent from one of her walks,