so I had planned to run yesterday morning nice and early before it got too hot. Went to bed at a decent time, well hydrated, eaten well, dropped straight off and was awoken at 2.00am by my friend in the next street’s oafish tomcat carol singing outside !!! I stuck my head out of the window and told him to sod off home before I told his mum and he slunk off. Well that was it then!!! I could not go back to sleep!!! Too hot, kicked the thin fleece off and just had the empty quilt cover ( I’ve not had a quilt in my quilt covers since May!!) , then I needed the loo, then a drink, then my hip was aching, couldn’t get comfortable and about 4 hours later I dropped off, missed my alarm and woke up at 10.00am!!! By which time it was 22 degrees and too hot for me to run!!
So I was texting my daughter and grumbling and she’d had a rubbish night too so she suggested we walk to Heanton Court for lunch - her treat!!! Would have been rude to turn that down so I showered and dressed and she arrived at mine and off we went.
It was too hot to run but nice for gentle stroll and there was a breeze albeit a warm one so that was nice and 90 minutes and 4 miles later there we were. Being Bank Holiday it was pretty busy but we were seated straight away and our meal was only about 30 minute wait so we had a drink and nattered. She had a vegan curry but I couldn’t find anything I fancied so I ended up with the Small Pud and a Hot Drink (Amaretti and Blackberry Eton Mess yum yum). After we had eaten and rested a bit we set off back again and got home about 4.
WE had a cuppa and I made a salad for my tea and then after I’d washed up she said she was tired and was going to have a nap on the settee with the cats and I got the fidgets.
I pottered in and out the greenhouse and watered things and then realised that it was cooler and the breeze was cooler too and decided I wanted to run after all… just a short one … so I changed and off I went.
My plan was 10 minute intervals and maybe try for 5k???? Or see how it went ?? It was such a lovely evening that after the first 2 X 10 minutes I thought rather than turn round I would carry on for a third one and then turn. It was such a lovely evening and I didn’t even need my sunglasses and ended up running for an hour and doing just over 7k so I am really glad I went out after all.
Really shattered today though!!!