I wanted to give it 2 days rest between runs but I'm waking up at 04:30 at the moment, and the rest of the household aren't, so by 06:00 I was out for a run.
V hot, v slow. I ran (and walked) 5km and was one of many people out exercising or sunbathing along the coast at Coogee. There was a sea mist. Beautiful.
The runs might be hard in this heat but they are a real highlight of my trip and I'm seeing things I would be missing totally if I wasn't a runner.
Recovery run, 43mins 20s. Ha ha, I literally couldn't have gone any faster if I'd tried. I walked back up some of the steps, (this run wasn't flat) and was completely done in by 4.94km, but when I realised I was nearly at 5km I snail-paced up the hill until Runkeeper said I'd made the magic 5!
I think I need another month off to recover! Flick, when do you do your recovering on your current regime? I'm very impressed by your efforts this month. Maybe I'll do a really short run tomorrow morning, it was so lovely out there. Best time of the day here in this hot sticky season. Or maybe I'll just go and lie on the beach.
I'm thinking I'll do some maths and work out what distance I can safely do in a week post IC and design myself a new regime. Either distance or frequency...