I missed PR yesterday taking Mr E-G to Heathrow for his next month’s work. And I was scheduled for a 35min ‘Steady Run’ this weekend which would fit PR perfectly 🙄
Anyway, I’d never set out from my front door to do a run, because we are so close to the top of a hill our water pressure is non existent and our house is close to the underground reservoir. That high. Which means every run starts downhill and finishes uphill.
Brave pants on. Sahara Dessert Death Race t-shirt on. Quick check to see if any neighbours are about. Off I go to see what will happen in the drizzle.
The downhill start is great to help with toxic 10. It doesn’t feel toxic - I just notice I have a better rhythm after 10 mins in. Fortunately there isn’t much traffic about as it is also the first time I’ve run next to the road. The playlist has me bouncing along a brief flat bit, but all too soon I have to start the gradual incline towards home.
I always seem to have a slow 4th km!! Maybe it was the terrain, maybe the other runner that breezed past me just as the hill got steeper. I’ve misjudged the distance and time and I have 5 mins to go as I reach the end of our road so head off downhill in the other direction.
Quick glance at the watch - I’m on for a PB 😳 and this bit is all downhill 👏🤭 I pick it up a little and can see the shirt of my over-taker off in the distance now dragging me forward. The watch buzzes - done it!! Cool down walk all uphill back home in the drizzle - lovely!!
Unbelievably chuffed at being closer to a 35min 5k than a 40min, and double the elevation gain as my usual Parkrun, I cant resist a post on Facebook 😁👏🍾🎉
But then checking through my Newsfeed brings me back down to earth - a friend has posted her 16km run this morning at a 7min/km pace 😳🤬😤😰 I do see the funny side (honestly!) she started C25k a year before I did and is marathon training - amazing 👏👏👏
Happy running, resting or repairing today everyone!