So, after all the 10ks I've done in lockdown and my sponsored challenge last week today was due to be a short recovery run, especially as I have a niggle in my knee following a long steep downhill walk on Saturday. Glorious sunshine so shorts and racing back top. Usual hard work running up our lane then the along main road waving a cheery hello to a passing police car which moved beautifully to the other side of the road. As I ran down the 1st hill I took it easy so as not to annoy my knee. Then I came to a flat km and thought I'd do intervals - never done them and decided just to run fast for the whole km. Back to hilly bits and thought I was going slowly but at 4k I saw I'd taken just over 24mins - my 10k running speed would be 28+ mins. I decided if I put a bit of effort into the last uphill km and stopped immediately at 5k rather than continuing uphill to home I'd have a chance of a good time. Yay for me, fastest 1k, fastest 1 mile, fastest 5k at 30:49 🍾🎉 Once my house move is complete I've plenty options for flat runs so a sub 30min 5k is for the 1st time looking possible. Happy running everyone 🤗
Do all recovery runs give 3 new PBs 🤣🤣 - Bridge to 10K
Do all recovery runs give 3 new PBs 🤣🤣

Well done!
A niggle in the knee on a downhill is the IT band. Keep an eye on it 👍🏽

Well done gh. Hope you can get your house move soon.

Brilliant run GH. Of course you can do a sub 30 5k. You will probably do it shortly anyway, but once Park Run reappears 🚀🚀🚀 Blast Off!!

Wow Grannyhugs that’s phenomenal 💥👏🏻🥳 So often our best runs happen when we don’t expect them. Sub 30 is definitely well within your sights!

Wow those times are amazing! Congratulations. 🎉

Great run for you GH, I am sure you will be able to run a sub 30 minute 5k soon.

That's your reward Grannyhugs for all your hard work last week. Congratulations 🥳🥳🥳

Absolutely brilliant Grannyhugs, I’m really happy for you 👍👍👍👍👍💪💪.
Particularly so after all your hard work last week running for a great cause.
Those PB’s are mighty impressive, you have smashed your 5k one.
Yes, sub 30 5k looking very achievable.
Time for a celebration 🎉 🍾
Woah!!! What a run and what a feeling. Well done on so many sprinkles of stardust there. That 5k time is scandalous 🍾🍾🍾

Wow so impressive look at those stats

Fantastic times Grannyhugs, looks like you’ve recovered really well! Amazing! 👏🏻👍 😊

One word - EPIC! 🎉🏃♀️👍

Great stuff GH 👍, especially as there must have been some of the 4-day marathon effort still affecting your legs. Sub-30 any time now .