Probably my worst run ever :-(: Went running... - Bridge to 10K

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Probably my worst run ever :-(

pianoteacher profile image
38 Replies

Went running with the club this morning. They were doing a fun little mini triathlon but as I can't ride a bike and, in the words of my mother, swim like an air stewardess (breast stroke, full make-up, head above the water at all times 😂) I joined them at 915 for the run.

Wasn't feeling my best as I had a migraine yesterday and all I managed for dinner was a bag of crisps. So still with a mild headache I set off up the seafront hoping I'd feel better once we got going.

Needless to say - I didn't :-( The whole thing was pretty horrible! Forgot to start my watch which was probably a blessing to be honest as I had to stop and walk for more than a km towards the end as I thought I was going to faint. Managed to jog in the last 200m or so but then thought I was going to faint again at the finish. Lots of people had struggled but most of them had done a 10 mile bike ride before the 5 mile run.

On a positive note everyone was really kind to me and made sure I was ok - gave me some water and trail mix to eat which made me feel a lot better. The guy who walked with me for the latter part said he thought I had the potential to be a good runner as apparently I have very good technique :-) All of it learnt via this forum so thank you guys xx

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pianoteacher profile image
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38 Replies
Sqkr profile image

Oh I know this feeling so well, being out after a migraine is horrible! I had the worst run on Sunday after a Saturday attack, and honestly think I'll pass on going out the day after in future unless I'm truly feeling 100% back on it. My legs just buckled at the 2.5k mark and I had to go home. I think—for some anyway, everyone is different of course—the postdrome effect continues quite a long time after the migraine has subsided, and running seems to magnify all the weak limbs and hangover effects that go with it. Sometimes you have to just admit defeat and take care of yourself. I'm so impressed you maintained good form though! It's obviously just second nature to you now 😄

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Sqkr

I probably shouldn't have gone to be honest but I'd said people could put their bike and swim stuff in my car and I didn't want to let anyone down. Hangover effect is a very good way to describe it! I think this is the first time I've had a migraine since I've been running so it's a lesson learned! x

Tbae profile image

Sorry about your experience.Nothing worse 🙈🙈

Can believe that, your a great runner.Your potential running power has been translated into your running kinectic energy. I have seen it in your posts.

Take good care of you and when your brain says run, then run, but when your body objects then accept the override .🤔

Not easy, enjoy it all.💥🏃‍♀️💥💨

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Tbae

Thanks Tbae! As soon as I said I felt faint the guy who was with me said to stop as his wife had collapsed on a run after feeling the same.

There are some very fast runners in the group I go with but they are all really nice and take very good care of us by looping back to check everyone is OK. They must end up up running about twice as far as I do 🙂

Jay66UK profile image

Horrible experience but a useful one? Hope you feel better soon.

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Jay66UK

Thanks Jay still feeling a bit sick but luckily haven't got anything to do until army band practise tonight x

Ripcurlrana71 profile image

Ohhh sorry to hear that. There’s no doubt you are a great runner!! X

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Ripcurlrana71

Thanks Rip ❤️ xx

Ang33333 profile image

Not fun. I got jelly legs a couple of weeks ago and it was scary!! Hope you feel better soon 😰😰

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Ang33333

Oh sorry to her that Ang - very unpleasant. Legs weren't too bad if a little heavy. It was more of a feeling of everything closing in - most likely from lack of fuel! x

Tasha99 profile image

Awe I hate bad runs! They suck! You’ll be back on it next run. 👍🏽

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Tasha99

Thanks Tash! Hopefully going out with my son tomorrow for a walk/run so that should be more enjoyable - apart from his moaning that he'd rather be on his PlayStation 😂

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate10 in reply to pianoteacher

Omg I feel your pain. My son is currently shouting at his Xbox. After months of him asking if he could ParkRun with me, and me not allowing it because either he’d moan as I was too slow, or I’d moan because he’d make me stop (under 11s have to stick with the adult), I let him run to my mum’s and back last night. 1k each way. OMG. He got a stitch both ways and we had to stop. Hopefully he’ll leave it at that and leave me to it.

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Tasha99

Haha! That is all so familiar 😂 I tread a very fine line at parkrun trying to motivate him to keep going without annoying him so much that he'll get the arse and never do it again! Major dramas on Monday because I forgot his asthma puffer so therefore he decided he couldn't possibly run. He's not that badly asthmatic it was just a very good excuse to be lazy! His Dad's coming over in a couple of weeks to parkrun with him so I can try for a PB. They're very similar personalities so I fully expect them to give up halfway round and go for an ice cream 🤣

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate10 in reply to pianoteacher

He he. I’ve decided running is me time.

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Tasha99

Probably for the best! Trouble is my son plays junior football and it's just awful. I'm trying to get him into running because there seems to be a much more positive vibe about it x

GeorgiosA profile image
GeorgiosAGraduate10 in reply to pianoteacher

That is so true! My son is currently 2 months old, but I really want him to get into running and definitely stay away from football (rugby is OK!)

How about the Junior Parkrun that is only 2K though?

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to GeorgiosA

Junior rugby is so much better! A couple of my pupils are involved in it and it has a completely different ethos. Unfortunately I don't understand the game! I grew up with football and love the game just not the attitude of some of those involved in it. We've looked at junior parkrun and there's one nearby that we hope to do with his cousins at some point x

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to pianoteacher

My son played football for a couple of years and completely agree. Not a great experience in the teachings of fairness and sportsmanship!!!

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Ripcurlrana71

I've heard coaches actively encouraging cheating! Did your son give up of his own accord? Mine wants to play and I don't want to tell him he can't that's why I'm trying to broaden his sporting interests x

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to pianoteacher

He did - but we had such a horrible experience with the coach and it was so badly organised. This was a couple of years ago.

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Ripcurlrana71

Sounds very similar to our experience ☹️

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to pianoteacher

Much better out of it!

Jelon profile image

Not nice - hope you’re feeling a lot better now 😊

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Jelon

Much better thanks and stupidly hungry! x

Dexy5 profile image

Hi pianoteacher, it was so hot out there today so add that to your post migraine it must have felt wobbly. It’s good to hear that the runners made sure you were ok.

pianoteacher profile image

Thanks Dexy5 they were really nice. Looking at one of the other runners stats I was also going way too fast given the heat and the migraine. I would have struggled to sustain that pace even fully fit so no wonder I didn't feel well! x

GeorgiosA profile image

Too hot today and that doesn't help. But in the end of the day you DID run (even if it wasn't the whole distance) and you made it home safe. Hope you feel better on the next run, and you will soon forget about this one :)

18Windmill profile image

Oh dear! I’m sure lots of us, myself included, know just how miserable a migraine is. They floor me for 2 or more that you could manage to get there is a massive well done! Sorry it was horrible for you but it’s way tooo hot to run after 6am, so I for one have decided to give this week a miss. Please take care of yourself.

ju-ju- profile image

Oh thats rough, and thats hilarious re the swim, I havent heard it that before, but I am the same!!! I cant do crawl and I cant go down but I am quick :)

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to ju-ju-

My very glamorous aunt was a stewardess for virgin for a while and that's exactly how she used to swim so I think that's probably where it came from 😂

Lorijay profile image

Sorry to hear PT, hope your feeling better. Migraines are just cruel. I'm sure you'll hit the road next run and nail another pb. Take good care :) :)

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Lorijay

Thank you Lorijay! Think I might wait for it to cool down a bit before I attempt anymore fast running x

Bridget007 profile image

You were good to even try running the day after a migraine they are peculiar things even when the headache has gone it leaves you feeling drained. I hope you are feeling better now.

Seems you do exactly the same swimming stroke as I do 😊😊

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to Bridget007

Much better thanks! As for the swimming it's not fast but it is glamorous 💅👠👛

Rua8 profile image

“Swim like an air stewardess” 🤣🤣🤣 I have often thought this funny, the full make-up in a swimming pool thing, but I’ve never heard this description of it. Hilarious! As for the rest of your post, I’m sorry you had such a miserable run. You were probably too weak from lack of food and migraine to be undertaking any sort of physical activity, but it’s nice that everyone looked after you, and you had the good sense to walk as well - good call. I hope you feel better tomorrow :)

_SimonT_ profile image

Sorry it was so bad PT. 😢

Am very happy that you have returned in one piece and no injuries. Get better before your next run!

Your running club sounds amazing! 🤗

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate10 in reply to _SimonT_

They are Simon! Some truly fabulous runners and really nice people too. Just been for a short slow run with my son and all good thanks x

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