Sadie-runs...10k!: Yes, I did. :-) And it was... - Bridge to 10K

Bridge to 10K

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Sadie-runs profile image
113 Replies

Yes, I did. :-) And it was joyful.

Felt a little bit better this morning after a couple of days suffering with a stomach bug of some kind, and woke up at 5:30am with only one thing on my mind – a run (which makes a change from the runs). Today's programmed run was the 2nd 9k. But you know, once you get to 9k, how can you resist that final 1k?! I know I couldn't...

Drank quite a lot of water before going out (the rest of the family snoozing away), and donned my wet running Buff, filled my water bottle with water fortified with electrolytes (especially for my poor tum), and lovingly tied the laces of my great loves, my On Cloudflyers. It was already hot out there, at around 18 degrees, but with that lovely freshness early morning brings. Headed to the woods for the shade of the trees and that lovely feeling of being the only person awake. First 5k was pretty tough, as always, and my legs protested a bit. But, I was going a slow and steady pace, and not in pain, so I knew I would be okay. It is so lovely running in the woods. I see all kinds of birds, and love the sound of the twigs and gravel underfoot. I found a nice loop through the woods, and did that several times as it was just so nice.

Back to the earlier copious amounts of water – at the 5.5km mark I was desperate for a wee, so ducked behind a bush – best wee of my life. I don't normally like peeing in the wild, but it was too early for anyone to be around, and I was not going to let anything get in the way of enjoying this run, least of all a full bladder. Reinvigorated and somewhat lighter, I wended my merry way to 10k. :-)

Happy to have got here at last and excited for what the future of my running might bring. Time to plot and plan! And maybe do a few more 10k runs. I love these longer distances, I really do. And this wonderful programme from ju-ju- got me here, so thanks Julia!

Lastly, big love to my virtual running buddy Hidden – it has been an honour to first share the C25K journey and now the B210K journey with you, my pal. Thank you for always supporting me and cheering me on. The fact that you got to 10k first still makes me so happy. Though know this. If I had not stopped to wee I would have beaten your time, okay buddy?!?! (Just kidding. I honestly was not caring about time at all today, I just wanted the distance.) You are my running hero. x

Mummycav - my lovely, you next. Neil and I are so rooting for you. x

Lastly, lastly (OMG, what do I think this is, the Oscars?!), thank you to EVERYONE on this amazing forum for being such good friends, always full of good advice, a shoulder to cry on, and a source of inspiration and laughs. You have all helped me to get here. I seriously would not have made it without you. <sobs audibly and dramatically>

Right, must pee again.


Sadie-runs xxx

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Sadie-runs profile image
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113 Replies
misswobble profile image

Well done. Good innit. 💪😃👍🏃‍♀️

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to misswobble

It really is! Thanks misswobble. x

Ripcurlrana71 profile image

AMAZING!!! Sooooo pleased for you and fantastic time too!! Go you - you 10K grad! 💪🏼💪🏼🍾xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Ripcurlrana71

Thanks Ripcurly! Your fantastic journey to 10k really inspired me! I am very much on a high right now and excited about what next! (Though have not figured that out yet.) xxx

Ripcurlrana71 profile image
Ripcurlrana71Graduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

We can go skipping off into the sunset together now with our 10k’s!! 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️💕 xx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Ripcurlrana71

LOL! Indeed! xxx

Jay66UK profile image

Very well done. I’m stood at the foothills looking up and admiring.


Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Jay66UK

Thanks Jay. I am the red-faced gal at the top cheering you on and holding a tantalising bottle of ice cold water. Come on! xxx

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

Tantalised. Well and truly tantalised!

HoagyM profile image

What a wonderful post Sadie, a great read and so glad you are back to the running, rather than the runs! 😂

Massive congratulations and welcome to the 10k podium. 🏃🏻‍♀️🥇👏🍾

...and, as as you have jumped the gun to get to 10k, you are now of course also a member of our very own Naughty Club 😉

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to HoagyM

There is no naughty club Ian, just guidelines to help people stay injury free.

in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Oh, boo, I rather liked being part of the jumping the gun 10k naughty club 😐

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to


in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Sorry I’m a good girl really 😇😇😇👹

in reply to


Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to

Don't encourage this Fiick...xx

in reply to Bluebirdrunner

no aunty, i wont :) xxx

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to


in reply to Bluebirdrunner

But i did my 10k jumping the gun by accident, halfway through the plan. My old lady eyes didn't read the distance on my Garmin and I lost count of the one k buzzes.

in reply to

*stifles a giggle*

in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Yeah Hidden , totally with you on that, jumping the gun is the way forward, especially if Sadie-runs does it, as I know she would *never* do anything naughty, so it must be fine :D (Sorry Bluebirdrunner , I'll go on the naughty step now! I mean, the injury-free step))

in reply to

Mine was accidental. Caused by my rubbish eyesight not reading how many is I had done 😊

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to

Ju's plan used to be 6 weeks Neil so no complaints from me!😊x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to HoagyM

Cheers Hoagy! What a feeling of accomplishment, eh? I only jumped the gun by one week, I was ready, you know?! After 9k, that one extra k feels like nothing. :-) xxx

Millsie-J profile image

Brilliant run Sadie, you have worked hard to get there, enjoy the celebrations.

Remember to claim that lovely badge 🏅

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Millsie-J

Thank you so much Millsie! The work you admins do does not go unnoticed – so thank you for that, too! xxx

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Huge Congratulations and Well done on your fab acheivement Sadie 🌟🌟🌟

I know how brilliant it feels to have run that distance, and how tired but elated you feel now.

The extra weeks weren't in 10 is the Magic plan until recently..a lot of us did it in 6 weeks...there is nothing naughty about your fantastic run!

Go get your Graduate 10 badge!😎xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Aw, thank you my lovely Bluebirdrunner – could not have done it without you, you have supported me and cheered me on from the start and I always felt you were looking out for me. You are a brilliant runner, and an inspiration. And yes, I don't feel naughty at all – I only did it one week sooner, and was ready. Cannot wait to see my shiny new badge, I shall wear it with pride. xxx

Irishprincess profile image

Whoop whoop Sadie 👏🍾🎉🎈🤗 I'm so pleased for you, knew you'd do it as soon as you said you wanted to.

The football and tennis can wait, yours is the result that counts 🙂

Very well done to you, you're a star xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you dear IP! I have to laugh at myself; it only took me around 6 months to believe in myself to start the 10k plan. I am going to go all evangelical on people to not fear the 10k now. It was so much easier than C25K, I think! xxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

We each take different paths for all sorts of reasons. It took me over a year to even want to go for 10K and that was only because I wanted some bling! So shallow 😏

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to Irishprincess

Ha, Me too IP, I consolidated for four months then tried to build distance with walk breaks ( Sammy murphy) before finding Ju Ju's plan hidden away in the pinned posts. As for your bling...a Princess can never have too much!😉xxx

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to Irishprincess

Just wanted to thank you for your two fantastic links yesterday to Berksover’s post on fitness🤔

You are a treasure trove.💥🏃‍♀️💥

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply to Tbae

Ooh I've never been called a treasure trove before 🙂

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to Irishprincess

🌟😂.Its true.👏👏

Tasha99 profile image

Fantastic! Well done! 🎓👌🏽🍾

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Tasha99

Thanks Tasha! I made it! And couldn't be happier. :-) xxx

linda9389 profile image

Brilliant! Well done and such a great achievement. Bask in the glory ... then you can do it all again! I'm really enjoying second time around 😀

Don't forget to grab your badge 🙂

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to linda9389

Thanks Linda! i could see myself doing it again, it was so much fun! xxx

Richard7 profile image


Well done Sadie

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Richard7

Thanks so much, Richard! 😘

Tbae profile image

The Terror Team have done it.💥🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️💥

Well done Sadie.🌟🏃‍♀️.

Interesting about your thoughts and pleasure on distance.Would not surprise me that pace and distance both compliment each other🤔.So maybe it looks after us and gives us a double win irrespective at any given time which one we pursue or favour.

Sorry Sadie just gone off on one.🤔😂

Well pleased for you.🐆💥🏃‍♀️

You have certainly got some pace in your locker that translates into distance.👏👏

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Tbae

:-) Thanks Tbae, and thank you for always cheering me on. There is something really lovely about longer distances, that chance to zone out, focus only on the physical, one foot after the other...feels almost like meditation. Now this will sound odd, but I feel in a more natural state when running, back to nature, as it were! And it is the perfect antidote to my busy and cerebral job, and life in London. I love it. xxx

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to Sadie-runs

Lovely description Sadie.I think your spot on.

Need to switch off Laura’s stamina and run naked as the say on here.

Not difficult for this stonage techie dinasaur,that has been the situation anyway,just got distracted and bit gaga perhaps.🙈😂😂Enjoy it all Sadie, you are one speedy lady.💥🏃‍♀️💥

Berksrover profile image

Sadie-runs huge congratulations, its a day for celebrating isn't it, such a sense of achievement, I think we are entitled to a wee gloat (or maybe in your case, just a wee 😉) 👏👏👏👏

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Berksrover

LOL! Yes, well done us! I have celebrated with many wees since, having drank so much water. Might treat myself to a nap later, too. Rock and roll! xxx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Berksrover


Wow and wow and wow! Very well done. And how you managed such a cracking pace off road I can’t imagine. I dream of doing 10k in that time on roads. That is absolutely brilliant xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

Thanks Flick! Some of it was on roads – about 2km in the end. And, I cranked up the pace for the last km, which was on roads. My woodland trail is mostly flat (well, the bit that I looped around about a gazillion times for that reason, was!) There are a set of steps in part of the woods that I had to walk up. It was a good chance to have a long drink and recalibrate. I am pleased with my time, but should knock one minute off really for my wee break. :-) xxx

PS Do On do running shoes suitable for both road and trail, like, hybrids? :-)

in reply to Sadie-runs

Off road is harder going than on road, so slower,I mean because it isn’t paved, so you did amazingly. all the On trail shoes are good for both road and trail, in fact, reading the reviews on their site for the Peaks, some people are using them as just road shoes, or sometimes road shoes. They are incredibly light. Xxx,

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

Interesting, interesting...

My woods do have nice clear paths for running on, then I run across an expanse of grass (now parched!) It’s my happy place. xxx

Ps: you need to get your name on the list for your 10k grad badge. It’s over on the right hand column somewhere xx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

I have done! x

Jelon profile image

Wow that’s impressive well done And after a tummy bug as well. I’ve never thought about doing a loop through the woods several times (?!!) great idea I’ll hang onto that for when/if I go for longer runs as useful advice. 😊

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Jelon

Thanks Jelon! I love woodlands so much, even if the squirrels and birds give me a fright sometimes (I run super early in the morning). x

Lorijay profile image

Huge congratulations Sadie, that is brilliant!!! Such a wonderful achievement and great pace to boot. Enjoy celebrating that!! :) :)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Lorijay

Thank you, Lorijay! I am very pleased. 😁

Lorijay profile image
LorijayGraduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

And so you should be, just great :) :)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Lorijay

Now I can sit back and watch you do it! 👍😘

Lorijay profile image
LorijayGraduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

Yay, I'll try not to keep you waiting tooooo long!! :) :)

Massive congrats Sadie!!!!!!!!! 🏆 Brilliant run and we'll ignore your indiscretion (mostly because I know it could be me, any given day - pea-sized bladder! 😆)

Now I need to get mine done... If for no other reason, then to join this epic after-party! 🎊🎉🍾🥂🎊🎉🍾🥂


Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

Cheers Suts! And that was a first for me, mid-run pee. I must be a proper runner now, as I just didn’t care. 😂

The party will be going on for a while, so no hurry, we will be waiting for you and cheering you on! You are doing so well, so keep up the great work! xxx

in reply to Sadie-runs

Thank you! I do have a deadline for Tuesday though, so the Champers is in the fridge! 🤞😘

TedG profile image

Very well done Sadie, a lovely inspiring post as always.

I’m not sure that many of us actually stop at 9k in the b210k you, I didn’t. Feels good doesn’t it? 🤗

Onwards and sideways from hereon in 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️X

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to TedG

Aw, thank you so much, dear Ted! And yes, it feels great. I also felt like I still had something in the ole tank at the end (though I probably would have damaged something if I’d carried on!)

Hope all is well with you. 😘

pinkaardvark profile image

You had me totally convinced the other week when you were saying how you liked to play by the rules and follow the program, take it step by step yadda yadda.

Well done on your fab run :)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to pinkaardvark

😂 I had myself convinced, Pinky. I was just one week shy of the full programme, give a gal a break! And thank you. 😊

Dexy5 profile image

So glad you are well again Sadie-runs. It sounds like a lovely early run and congratulations on your 10k graduation. Looking at all you grads with awe. 🏃‍♀️👏🍾🥂

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Thanks Dexy! I get to the point when I’m ill where I get angry and face it down! 😁 On the mend now and chuffed with my 10k. 😁 x

Fishypieface profile image

Congratulations you wonderful 10k-er you!!! Sounds like an effortless glide through a beautiful woodland, apart from the wee stop!! 😂😂 At least it was only that! 🙈. Really well deserved Sadie and to think your slow & steady is my top end!😂 Once the weather cools down you will be flying😊. No stopping you now xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Fishypieface

Thanks darling FPF! And you know what, that wee made it for me. I felt intrepid, weeing in the wild, I felt free! (Am I weird?!) I really don’t understand why I have a good pace. I am 46, should be slowing down now, right. I suppose I have long-ish legs, maybe that’s it? Anyhoo. I loves running. Thank you for your lovely message! xxx

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

Hey, I too am 46 😊 and 5’ 11” but I can’t fly like you! So pleased for you, I think you’ll be weeing and zooming off all over the countryside now 😂, off road intrepid running... sounds like bliss! xxx

ju-ju- profile image

What a fabulous post..... you superstar! I’m so proud of this achievement, I do hope you are having some treats..... and your quote gets The Bridge top quote award.... ‘ BEST WEE OF MY LIFE’ I’m honestly in stitches that’s fabulous.... 😎🔥💥😻

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to ju-ju-

Well that now makes me double chuffed! The Bridge top quote, eh?! Thank you, Julia! 😂

Saartjie profile image

Wow Sadie...Well done...such a good time (despite the wee stop😜) x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Saartjie

Thank you! I am pleased! I wasn’t bothered too much about time, hence the casual wee along the way. 😁

Saartjie profile image
SaartjieGraduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs


icklegui profile image

Wahooo Sadie! Fantastic!! Ran vicariously through your post. Amazing! Not that we should be amazed, because you were always going to smash this. Congrad-ulations! Most importantly ... keep running and posting :)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to icklegui

Aw, thank you, icklegui! It was an interesting run. Distance is fun. 😁 xxx

icklegui profile image
icklegui in reply to Sadie-runs

It certainly seems to be - fun and interesting! And with added intrepid weeing! I thought I was going to have to find a bush today but I think I just sweated it all out... I know, delightful! I am so glad you got over the tummy bug - funny though how sometimes we recover and bounce back so quickly and far that we hit the jackpot! Your progress had been so great so I guess it's not a surprise!

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to icklegui

Ha ha! 😂 That’s happened to me before - needing a wee at the start of a run, but powering through only for the urge to go. I can only assume we sweat it out (ugh!) And thank you for your very kind words. 😘

There ya go! I knew you'd do it sooner than you thought you would :) And I'm really really proud of you, I can't think of a more wonderful running buddy I could have had, and I'm so glad I to have been here to cheer you on, even if it was sometimes from the IC!!

Your time is really good I think, and yes I'm certain you would have been faster than I was. I'm sorry your need for a wee put a small spanner in the works, next time I'm sure you'll be faster, and even if you aren't, it doesn't matter, you'll always be one of those runners I look up to. If it makes you feel any better, I was in need of the loo when I did my park run, but going in a bush wasn't an option because there were a couple of hundred people around, looking for things to entertain them whilst running. That was actually my PB for a 5k at the time, and maybe that's the reason lol

Anyway, I'm super proud of you, coming back from a stomach bug and doing a 10k. You are formidable!!

Have a lovely evening, running goddess!

Neil xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

Thank you dearest running buddy. 😘 I actually enjoyed the wee, and not at all peeved it shaved 45 seconds off my time. 😂 I think I shall get less hung up on taking little breaks the further I run...I felt great!

Legs are grumbling now - they know something is up. They are not sure yet that they approve of all this activity. Going to rest for at least 2-3 days now, and I have a celebratory sports massage booked for Thursday - phew - I have a few muscles that need untwanging.

Thank you for your unwavering support, you running god you. xxx

in reply to Sadie-runs

Running God? Hardly, but thank you! I guess we support and encourage each other. I am still over the moon that you did your 10k.

Legs? Take care of em, treat them to a lovely soak in the bath, as I’m sure you have. Are you into foam rollers yet? My legs (particularly quads) have been giving me jip since my 10k, and literally just a couple of minutes rolling earlier made a massive difference.

Right bed time for me, you’re awesome and powerful, and a very impressive athlete too. Night x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

I have one of those massage stick type foam rollers that I use for my calf muscles, Neil, but to be fair, get bored 40 seconds after starting! Funnily enough, my quads are the only part of me that haven’t grumbled since starting running! I am really looking forward to my sports massage on Thursday. Really bloody hurts but feels amazing afterwards! xxx

in reply to Sadie-runs

I wish we had someone here who would come in and do sports massages. The best I can hope for is a sweaty cyclist or two and using the warehouse floor with a front fork sticking in my side probably... definitely a fan of the foam rollers though. Loveable torture devices!

sarah65 profile image

Glad you’re feeling better and congratulations on your 10k 👏👏 your early morning woodland run sounded wonderful. I would love to run in the woods but am a bit nervous about being alone in such an isolated place. Conversely, I love to run alone and I like the solitude of running very early when there’s nobody about! Need a bit of your courage I think!!

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to sarah65

Thank you so much, Sarah! My lone running in the woods - well, I figure I am out far too early for nutters. They tend to be night owls, and at 6:15am when I am running they are all tucked up in bed after a hard nights nutting, axe-wielding behaviour. But seriously, I do live in what I believe to be a relatively safe area - plus I am bit silly. And brave. Brave-silly. I just love the woods at 6am. I see the odd dog walker but that’s it. I don’t recommend taking risks, generally, and your safety is important. I mix my routes up a lot to be on the safe side. xxx

in reply to Sadie-runs

Strava premium offers a text option which sends your location you a loved one. I upgraded when the OH stopped coming on all my runs. X

Well done. I'll be there in a few months.

Keep up the good work. 👌😁

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

Thanks Gaz. And you surely will! If I can do it, anyone can! 😊

Thanks. I'm sure I will. Its about positive thought, we've all got that. It's never buried too deep. ☺️👍

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

True that. 😁

O505k profile image

Well done. Fabulous run and great that you have achieved your goal.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to O505k

Thank you! It feels good. 😁👍

orangeguy profile image

Sorry Sadie, I only just spotted this post of yours . . . congratulations and very well done! Its my week 6 9k tomorrow, and as you have set such a fine example, I'm just wondering if maybe I could do the same thing :) . . . I'll see how it goes tomorrow

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to orangeguy

Thanks orangeguy! You are doing great, too!

I would recommend you do the 9k at least once before moving on to 10k. I mean, what's the hurry? :-) Safer to follow the 10% rule and build up slowly. I did 9k last week, but didn't feel the need to repeat as per the programme this week, as the 9k was manageable....hence my 10k yesterday! The repeats are there if you need them.

Enjoy your run tomorrow! x

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

Woo hoo, big time, way to go Sadie :) I love the speech too! ;)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to mrrun

Why thank you kind sir! :-)

orangeguy profile image
orangeguyGraduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

You are totally right, I am going to see how it goes tomorrow, I might not even make 9k! :)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to orangeguy

You can do 9k. Slow and steady!

Mummycav profile image

Ohhhh....Sadie, you’ve had me in tears reading this!!! I had a manic day yesterday taking my daughter to see ‘Little Mix’ so didn’t get to do my hourly check in on here....I am SOOOOOOOOO happy for you, I can tell that this means the absolute world to you...& it does to me too!!! Congratulations Sadie.....massive congratulations, I knew you could do it, never a doubt in my soon as you bought those babies on your feet I knew that I would be reading this post pretty soon!!!

I bet you really were ‘running like a gazelle across the plains of Africa’ once you’d emptied your bladder!!?!?! Ha ha...I’ve never had a ‘Garden wee’ but I think that might change when I start running longer distances, especially having to drink so much water in this heat!!!

I wish it was Friday because I would raise a glass of my favourite prosecco to you my lovely friend...I shall have to wait until Friday but that is what I will be doing when DaddyCav pops that cork!!!! Thank you back to you for believing in me during your Oscars speech....I am due my 8k run which I must admit sounds like a flipping long way...but, so did 3k at one time!!! I hope you enjoyed the whole day yesterday...& that your 10k smile will last yonks xxxxxx

And....that ‘graduate10’ badge doesn’t half suit you Missy xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Mummycav

Aw, don't worry dearest Mummycav ! I guessed you were busy with family life. x Lovely mummy, taking her daughter to what must have been a "fun" gig lol!

I tell thee, I was a lot lighter after the wee and I did feel gazelle-like! It made me feel closer to nature, weeing outside, but not so close to the nettles. Cripes!

I am still on a high today, and I am thinking this will last a while, so do raise a glass to me on Friday my lovely! I shall virtually clink mine with yours. :-)

Thank you for your lovely words and your unwavering faith in me – it means a lot. And trust me, you will be fine for your 8k – just take it super slow and believe in yourself. I am finding that once past 6k, I feel like I could go on forever!

I love my shiny new badge yay! xxx

Congrats!👏👏👏👏🏃‍♀️💐😀😀on your great achievement,and a brilliant time and pace! 🤗🤗

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

Thanks so much, Peggy! It was a delight! x

Marvo69 profile image

Brilliant Sadie, huge congratulations 🎊x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Marvo69

Cheers Marvo! x

DebJogsOn profile image

Still can't believe I missed this.

Well done Sadie. Will watch with interest what you choose as your next adventure.

Nothing like a 'tree-wee' to demonstrate you're running longer distances 😂

Happy running 😊

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to DebJogsOn

Thanks Debs! Going to consolidate this 10k malarkey for a while and plot the next challenge. And yes, a tree-wee definitely makes you feel like a runner. 😁 It was a first for me in my running career! 👍 xxx

SaskAlliecat profile image

With my holidays and then back to a busy work schedule I had missed this post! Way to get it done Sadie! Whoohoo! Not only does Sadie-runs , but Sadie-runs-10k 😁

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat

Thanks Sask! I loved the 10k programme, and am even interested in running further now…:-) Hope work calms down for you and you are still managing to fit in your runs! xxx

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

This week hasn't been good for running. I have had a wicked headache for 2 days and it was still 35 C after work yesterday on my run day so decided to skip yesterday's run and woke up vomiting this morning 😩. Hoping to still get a run in Friday morning before I start my weekend of call 🤞. I'm just so glad I had an awesome week of running last week while on holidays.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat

Oh no!! Feel better soon, Sask. Poor you - that sounds migrainey. 😕 Rest. x

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