I have been working on Ju Ju's plan for the last couple of months. I have tried to keep to 3 runs a week but sometimes it has been tricky because of holidays and not finding the right places to run. But I am on week 7 and was due for my 9K run this morning. I got up early and set off across Hackney Marshes, keeping to the shady places and running at a consistent, slow pace. It was a beautiful morning and I felt fine at the end of 9K so continued to my first ever 10K. I feel so proud, having begun the C25K in January this year and finding even running for the bus a challenge! Ju Ju's plan works really well for me as it varies the distance and it means that I naturally vary my pace and I have stuck with slow and steady for the longer runs and starting more quickly on the shorter ones. I am amazed that I now consider 5K to be a short run...Thank you to the great community out there, all your comments are and continue to be hugely useful and although I rarely post, I read other people's posts regularly.
Surprise 10K: I have been working on Ju Ju's... - Bridge to 10K
Surprise 10K

Congratulations and well done! Beautiful when it all comes together, eh? I loved discovering the slow and steady...got hung up on pace for a while after C25K. Running slower but for longer is amazing, a new and enjoyable discipline. Happy running to you! 👏👏👏

Fantastic! Well done! 🍾💪🏽

Brilliant, well done. 🎉🎉

Massive congratulations.. that first 10K.... it is amazing!
As the old Music Hall song goes...
" With a ladder and some glasses
You can see to Hackney Marshes
And spot the 10 K runner , over there ".
Okay, maybe not quite those words..but it fits

Well done!! 🎉🎉🎉😃❤️🏃♀️🏃♂️
Slow and steady certainly wins for the longer runs, as I’m just really starting to discover too. 😊

Congratulations!!! Very well done!! 😀🏃♀️👏
Wow, well done, it's so wonderful when a run just feels right and you can keep going for that extra km. Well done you must be feeling on top of the world.

Brilliant acheivement Caseycooks...Well done on your amazing 10k run!😊
You can request your Graduate10 badge here...well deserved😊x