I seem to have hit a brick wall at 5km or there abouts and just can’t manage to go much further. I’d love to do ju-ju’s plan to 10km but can’t see myself getting any further than 5. The heat really hasn’t helped me, don’t get me wrong I love the sun & heat but running in it is like pulling my legs through treacle. Help, any suggestions please to push me through & beyond 5k.😩
5k brick wall: I seem to have hit a brick wall... - Bridge to 10K
5k brick wall

The furthest I’ve run is 5.5k and I’m doing Ju-ju’s 10K plan this week. Im hoping 🙏🏼 that the plan will help us eek out further distances.
I haven’t tried beyond 5.5k because it seemed my limit. Although I always think after a few minutes of cool down I could carry on! 😀
Yes I think a wee walk for a minute then I’d be able to go another bit. The legs just get really heavy by 5k. Let me know how you get on with the plan?
Come and join me!! 😬
I’m too scared of failing. I never had to repeat a run doing the c25k so I’d be annoyed at myself if I couldn’t do it.😩
I didn’t either which surely means we are great specimens to try this? I’ve had some bad runs since graduation and if we have to repeat in 10K then it’s fine as it’s a big step up.
I think you might be talking me into trying it. The first 3 weeks seem ok but then jumps to 8k 😬. Ok I’ll sign up with ju-ju, what’ve I got to loose. Thanks ripcurlrana.
Great!! I’m guessing the first 3 weeks set us up for the 8k as it’s only 1k longer. 🤞
You girls are making me envious, but I've got my consolidation runs first. Boo hoo 😪
When did you graduate from c25k? It wasn't so long ago judging from your posts. If you are struggling to go further than 5k, then you probably need to do some more 5k runs and shorter to consolidate. i did that for a few weeks after c25k, before doing ju-ju's plan, and it's advised. You may already have done that, but if it's hard breaking this barrier, then it may be your body just isn't ready yet. Also, reading back through your posts, it's only around a year since you had chemo. Honestly, healing takes longer than you would think. I had surgery for cancer in 2016 and it took me the best part of 18 months to anything like get my energy back. Be gentle and patient with yourself. If you do, you will probably find that barrier dissolves sooner than you think. One day , probably when you aren't thinking about it, you will find yourself feeling you have some reserves and can go further. You can do this; it just might take time xxx

Thanks Flick, I graduated in April & have continued running 3 times a week. I only finished chemo just a year ago end of May & I am still having injections every 3 weeks. I don’t ever really consider that it’s possible that the treatments I’ve had & continue to have, have held me back a bit. I don’t like to make that an excuse as I’m only 44 I feel I should be doing the same as other 44 year olds that’ve just started running this year too. Perhaps the patients is lacking.
April is not that long ago and you’re still having injections! You are amazing. But you are also human. I think you are doing brilliantly to be running 5k and three times a week. Give yourself time and be patient. Your body is clearly telling you to go a little more carefully. There are plenty of people younger than you and who haven’t had chemo who are struggling. I know very well that feeling of not wanting to be let down by your body and being frustrated when you feel blocked, but you may be being held back for a reason. Many of us are still new runners with varying strengths and weaknesses. Honestly be kind to yourself, do a few more 5k runs and you will find you are ready to move forward again 😊

Thanks Flick great advice.🙂
Hey Jb I graduated back in November actually, and have only just plucked up the courage to have a crack at the 10k. I did suffer from a knee problem in the last weeks of C25K, and had various other issues, some health-related, and some life-related, which prevented me properly starting consolidation until maybe late March or even April. I don't think I would have been at all ready for bridge to 10k until now.
I did some "feelgood" runs, by which I mean, repeating the landmark runs of C25K, namely W5R3, W6R3, and W9R3, just to prove I could still do it, and give me some confidence back. I then had a crack at the C25K+ podcasts, and did those for a few weeks until I was comfortable with them. I even did a parkrun a few weeks back, so I would have thought it's probably a good idea to get a few more weeks of "consolidation" in. Once you are comfortable with 30 minutes, try for 5k. Once you're comfortable with 5k, you should be fine with Bridge to 10k.
I'm not saying don't start Bridge to 10k yet, nothing that prescriptive, but just make sure you are ready for it. You can actually start the plan at any time, which is what I did, it doesn't have to be on an official start date. JuJu will send you the details I'm sure.
Oh - and listen to what Hidden says, she's wise

Thanks Neil. I always do at least 30 minute runs although I don’t make 5k in 30 yet don’t think I ever will, lol. I agree though Flickm3 is wise.🙂
I cant do 5k in 30 minutes yet either, but i can run for nearly 2 hours without stopping or walking, and up and down hill, so I guess some of us are built for distance and some of us are built for speed - unless you're Mo Farrar or Paula Radcliffe!
That's very kind, but I'm not that experienced yet, only graduated c25k early January xx
... and to be fair, you have "Graduate10" next to your name. That makes you some sort of running royalty in my book!!
Only thing I can recommend is slow it right down. Maybe run early morning or later in the day when it’s a little cooler. You will get there

It took me 6 months after graduating to feel ready to up my game to train for 10k! There’s no hurry. Why not spend some time just running for pleasure? After graduating i just committed to running 3 x a week for 30 mins, and as I got fitter I extended my runs by a few mins each run until I got to 5k. Kept that up for a while and slowly got faster. Then...I slowed down and got to 5.5k, then 6k and now I am doing the 10k plan. The point of my long boring story is, there’s no hurry and with some consistency you will gradually see improvements in fitness, enabling you to run for longer or faster (or whatever you want.) But remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your running legs be! 😁 xxx
Really? Six months? So I might speed up yet? Ive concentrated on distance, but Im so slow. It means if I go out for a 10k run I’m gone 80-100 minutes, and dogs are waiting and mr I don’t snore is stressing and I’m starving xxx
Yep, 6 months of pootling about doing my own thing. Mostly just running 5k three times a week. I think the consistency helped me, but the key was patience. My speed has only really improved in the last couple of months. I think running in a hilly area might hinder your speed - my routes are mostly flat! Speed is not always a good thing be warned - I have had a couple of injuries since I started running and I do wonder if it is because I am a little too speedy. We all have our own natural pace too, remember. xxx
Thanks for this Sadie. I think you may be right and I might be faster on flatter going. I dont want to be Mo Farrar, but i would like to do some 10k races and at the moment I'm too slow for some of them. they would bar me. xxx

Hahahaha 😂😂😂 "Mr I don't snore" - I've got one of those too! x
just love the way mine insists he wasn’t snoring and that he was awake. Well, of course he’s awake and not snoring when I’ve just poked him in the ribs 😂😂😂

Jb33 don't underestimate the impact the treatment has had and still have g on your body and be kind to youself. I woukd say stop looking at your watch, your app and just run at your comfortable speed. And 3xtend it a tiny bit further each time you feel like it. Having a good 5k run then run for 5.5 . Keep doing that and it will come.
I had a Brain Injury and read about James Cracknell have g his and running marathons after, it's only the brain not my body, why aren't I as good as I used to be!!!! None of that is useful. Once I started being in set to myself I got better.
Last night I did my first 10k and it felt awesome. It will come. You are obviously emotionally mentally and physically strong to have overcome what you have. Just know you can do it without killing yourself and make g it unpleasant and you will do it x

Wow, reading these posts this morning has been amazing -what a wonderful conversation.Supportive, calm, kind, sensible and inspiring you all are.I have been resting sore shins for nine days now so itching to join you.Going to try a very short one on as much grass as I can find tomorrow.Wishing you all a really good day.Thankyou wonderful people.x
Have you looked at the Galloway method? I love it ( well my own version). I’m slow (4K in 30 minutes) but I can run for an hour or longer, down hills and occasionally up ( gentle ones!), so long as I allow myself to stop and breathe if I want to for a few seconds. This week I ran 8k and only stopped twice. The amount you need/want to pause seems to reduce over time, and for me distance is the key, the first 20 minutes are always tough, and then it gets easier. Haven’t been brave enough to sign up to ju-ju’s 10k yet, but I ran 10.9 (?with a few pauses) last week and am thinking of trying to run into Sloane Square (14.6k apparently!) tomorrow, and if I get too tired I’ll just stop and hop on a tube home. I think giving yourself permission to pause makes it easier to keep going and build your strength. Thinking of being brave and doing Ju-ju’s app in the autumn when it’s cool and by which time I hope I’ll be strong enough. Btw I also like running first thing while it’s cool. Good luck, and don’t worry, it’ll come I’m sure.
For me, it’s all about milestones, mental and physical. graduating was one milestone - then 5k - then a consistent 5k (I am not there yet). Then realising that moving on is not the same for everyone. But staying still lacks flavour. Weather makes a difference. Route and terrain and nearest and dearest make a difference. Running three times a week is sometimes hard but crucial for moving on. But also good is taking a rest week - and trying 3 x 10min brisk walking per day - that could be good. So - choices and decisions - the hardest part. Good luck with it all!