Too ill to run, now seriously fed up 😦 - Bridge to 10K

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Too ill to run, now seriously fed up 😦

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β€’8 Replies

Hi all, I started C25K back in May and have managed to run 5K about 5 times now. My last run was 3 weeks ago and was horrible, everything felt wrong and went wrong and I just managed to hold out until 3k and gave up. Since then I've been struck down with a nasty throat infection (10 days of antibiotics) just got over that and now have a cold. I feel rubbish, tired all the time and seriously fed up. I know I need to get back out there but not sure how and when. Do I wait until I'm fully well? I've been so run down. Do go back into C25K again? I was hoping to either get 5k under 30 mins or achieve 10k by my 40th in November. I was doing so well and it was really helping my mental wellbeing. I feel like it's spiralling out of my control.

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8 Replies
Jomarie1979 profile image

Aww sorry you have been so unwell. Maybe just go for a few walks first to see how your energy levels are. Then just try a 30 min run at a really slow pace. You might be pleasantly surprised. I'm in the IC at the minute and feel like I'm missing out so I sympathise with you. Get well really soon x

T-pot profile image
T-pot in reply to Jomarie1979

Thanks, I hadn't actually thought that and I normally do a lot of walking too. I guess I'll have to ease back into it. Hope you're better soon too.

Tomas profile image

Sorry to hear that you're suffering. It sounds like a nasty winter cold in the middle of summer. Not nice! I hope you recover soon.

As for the running - don't stress it. You'll lose some fitness, no doubt about it, but it is what it is, and worrying is not going to make it better. Wait until you feel good again before starting again - if you run while your body is still fighting the infection it will be less able to heal the tine muscle tears from running, and thus it will take you longer to recover after each run (and you'll feel rubbish and demotivated because everything feels so much harder than it used to). When your body is ready, go for some gentle runs to build up some base again and to prove to yourself that you still have it - and you will definitely still have some of the fitness, so you'll be far from starting from scratch again.

Best of luck. And get well soon.

Bazza1234 profile image

I have always found that whenever I am not in a mood to run for whatever reason, a little bit of run/walk gets me going. Running is hard - and we won't do it if we don't enjoy it , also for whatever reason. I am currently on the injury couch too for the first time in over 3 years of running. I have also been frustrated about it - but I have now accepted the situation and have started to find other things to keep me interested and fit ( in the gym) and have decided to tackle a 10K walk in a couple of weeks time even though I have not even walked a 5K since May.

Sandraj39 profile image

More commiserations - but hang on in there! This is (sadly) part of the deal! We all get unwell and run down sometimes and just need to stop, allow our bodies to heal and then slowly get back out there. If it is any consolation, I know how it feels as I have had a fair few ups and downs over the last few months, most recently sciatica and resulting nerve damage which has taken a while to recover from! 😠 I am still slowly getting back to my running but at least I am getting out there againπŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈ! You will too, but make sure you feel well recovered and strong before you do. Good luck.πŸ™‚

Davoda profile image

I know EXACTLY how you feel. 🀧

But just to reassure you... I was on the IC for three months. It only took me a month to get both my 5k speed back & 5 weeks to get back up to 10k.

Then I took the flu at the beginning of July and as the Doc said "this is a nasty virus with a very long tail!" I was out of action for 3 full weeks. In the last week I was able to take my dog out for a walk & then got back to running. I restarted running VERY slowly, but 10 days later I'm already back to 5k, not quite back to my speed yet, and will start the longer runs again next week.

When you're well you forget what it's like to be ill & when you're ill you forget what it's like to be well, but don't worry, rest, lots of fluids (I also took Floradix to build myself up again) and soon you'll be ready to start running again.

Definitely wait until you are well proper. It hasn't worked out well for me every time I've gone back to running too soon after a bug. Extra sympathy at the moment as I'm also out of action with the last dregs of tonsillitis. November is ages away. You'll achieve great things by then I'm sure :)

IannodaTruffe profile image

It's all part of being a runner. We've all been there. You will get back up to speed again, but not if you rush it. Take your time. Consider moving your targets back a bit or concentrate on just one, if you want to hit it/them by your birthday. Only you know which is easiest to attain.

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