Like many of us C25K graduates, I've decided to push myself a little more, both to improve my time at 5k and also to increase my distance. I wasn't entirely certain that I am capable of 10k but thought I'd give it a shot.
To ring the changes I decided on a completely different route to my usual routes, so had to do my warm up exercises, then jump in the car and drive 5 minutes to my nearby retail park car park. Hubby suggested i put the heating on full pelt to ensure I kept my muscles warm, which was most thoughtful of him (today his inner gremlin was obviously not at home or was sleeping - as one day last week he dissuaded me from running altogether).
I decided to take Sam Murphy as my running buddy, having had her recommended by Miss Wobble, and the kind AndyD providing me with link to a Onedrive folder where I could find her. So off we set, and I was so glad for the warning about the volume of her prompts in this initial podcast. I was fine for the first 5 minute's walk and then I heard a faint murmur over the sound track and assumed it was external sound. About a minute or so later, I realised that it was probably Sam, gently encouraging me to start the first 10 minute run. Yikes... so I started into my first run a little late, but no less enthusiastic. And I decided to keep an eye on the time as well as listen out carefully for any further murmuring in order to get my first 1 minute walk in in time.
It worked out quite well, and the tracks that Sam had chosen to run to made a welcome change from "You and Julie", which I'd definitely had enough of. The route I ran along I haven't used since Week 4 Run 3 of C25K, and it was good to enjoy different scenery and see how much further I got at the midpoint of the run before turning back. In fact I should have carried on a little further as on completing the 4th 10 minute run and slowing into the final 5 minutes cool down walk, I realised I was far too close to the car park. I got to my car with several minutes left to walk and was reduced to marching round the car park, while shoppers in Next and ToysRUs gazed at me with curiosity.
Eventually I was able to finish off with some stretches against my car, and it was only when I caught sight of myself in the rearview mirror I understood the concerned expressions on the shoppers faces. I looked like a wild woman, red face, sweaty short, wind tousled hair etc. Not such a pretty sight! But I completed Week 1 Run 1 and my running app tells me I covered 9.2km in total, so I'm feeling pretty chuffed with myself.