I've recently graduated from C25K and after doing my own thing for a couple of weeks I decided to give the Bridge to 10K podcast a go today. Came up with lots of excuses - it's too cold, I have to do the shopping, I need to complete the decorating, etc, etc - but in the end I did go out and ran 4x 10 mins with a 1 minute walk in between, and yes I did the war-up and cool down as well. Just had a look at my tracker and can't believe I ran / walked just under 9K! Woohoo. It's not that much further to 10K :-). I will go for a gentle run tomorrow (advent running starts tomorrow) and then give it another go on Friday.
New to Bridge to 10K: I've recently graduated... - Bridge to 10K
New to Bridge to 10K
Wow that's fab, well done! I've recently graduated from c25k after joining a c25k gro5uo run at a local park. I have been doing social 5k runs with them since but we normally run about 6k in total. I'm hoping to start 10k training after Christmas with the aim of running Manchester 10k in March. Best of luck to you!
Thanks Jimjam87 . I actually prefer to run on my own - not very good at the running , talking and breathing at the same time - but I will run at least one 5K Park Run before Christmas. Can't believe it's Dec1 tomorrow!!!

That's excellent Barbara, well done! You can so do this!!

Those walk breaks make all the difference. Well done Hidden

Well done! B210k is great fun 😊 Stick at it ☺ Nice and steady
I run with the podcast later today (Sami Murphy one) Love em! ☺
I run with the Bluefin version. No advice other than the time but the music is ok Today is also the start of Advent Running - run / swim / cycle / walk / etc for 30 minutes from Dec 1 - 25 - so will go for a gentle 30 minute jog later today. Happy running!

Cross training while doing bridge is a very good idea. your core needs to be strong as well as the legs and upper body.
My cross training this week is dog walking ☺