I was feeling keen yesterday so decided to go straight to the 30 minute run and ignore the 15 minutes.Today I'm going away for a few days and realised how unlikely it is that I'll be able to run so haven't packed my gear. I really don't want to lose my momentum so was wondering if I could sneak a little run in.I had a couple of last minute things to do which involved going to the Post Office, nearly 1km from my house. Time was pressing, it was a beautiful morning so why not combine my errands with the 15 minute run?
I ran to the Post Office, paused the run, popped into the doctors opposite to sort something out then restarted the run and set off home. It was downhill all the way so felt really good in the freezing sunshine.
Got to 15 minutes and decided to carry on just a bit further to reach 2km. Fantastic 😁
It may have only been 16 ish minutes but, with the long uphill slope on the way there, it was DEFINITELY a run worth doing!