I have had to retire my second pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 23 running shoes after 830 kilometres. They shall now be my walking shoes. So today I went into a local specialist running shop and purchased a new pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 24 running shoes after. All black, no colour.
New Shoes: I have had to retire my second pair... - Bridge to 10K
New Shoes

All black is perfect, hope you have many happy miles together running

May you have many happy miles together damienair . Do let us know how you get on with them.
I started my third pair of Adrenaline 22s today. I liked my 1st pair so much that I bought 2 more pairs in the sales when the new versions came out.

Getting my gait done Saturday morning so will be joining you with new shoes
Great. I got my gait analysis done about 8 years ago. I’ve been wearing Brooks GTS ever since. Bought a pair of Mizuno Wave Inspire once which were absolutely horrible, I couldn’t run in them so I’ve stayed with the same Brooks range ever since, Adrenaline GTS. It’s great when you find something that works for you. Enjoy

Keeping with what you know! 😺👍

Nice Damien, I hope they last many, many miles. Looks like your last ones did. Youngest kitten wears these and has had some great runs in them.

Excellent new shoes Damien, sub 25 minute 5K at parkrun soon✔️✔️

Great shoes, I've got a brand new pair of Adrenaline 23s sitting in their box just waiting for me to have a run! Great minds (or great feet) and all that 😁

It's funny, but as a 60+ guy who's never had any interest in flash cars or designer anything-at-all, I like my running shoes to be a bit snazzy. I felt self-conscious when I first went out wearing my flame Asics, and a little when I wore my turquoise Brooks Glycerin GTS, but that soon passed. If I'm paying £100+ for running shoes I want a bit of sparkle! 😂
Yours do look smart, though - and it's a further reminder that my running shoes are more than 18 months old ...
I went into the shop and the guy said, do you want to see our full range of support shoes? I said no thank you, just show me the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 24. He opened up the box and I said they’ll do just fine. My previous pairs were very colourful, these are fine. Once they are comfortable then that’s all I care about. My previous pairs had 9 months and 830 kilometres on them. They were still comfortable.