Don't know what got into me today but signed up for two 5k's and the Plymouth 10k in October, not worried about the 5k's, as done a few of those now but VERY nervous about my first proper grown up to start some serious training.....gulp!!
Race frenzy: Don't know what got into me today... - Bridge to 10K
Race frenzy

How exciting all those races! I have signed up for my first 10k next Sunday and I am gulping like you at the prospect. My last race was on sports day when I was about 12! I have run 10 k about 5 times now but spread out over the last few months. I had some great advice from people on here as I was getting worried I hadn't done enough long runs. I'm viewing it now as an extra long park run rather than a 'race' which seems to be helping me psychologically! Good luck with your training 😊
I haven't got anywhere near 10k, longest was 6.5k but other choice was to wait til next spring as no other road 10ks around here...where are you running?? Huge good luck to you, like the idea of making it more like a long park run, certainly won't be a race for me!! Let us know how you get on
I would think you would need to get up to about 8k before October to be able to run 10k on the day. I know other people have said their first 10k was the race itself but they had done some longer runs. I would think you could do that by October. I went from 5 k then 6,7 and 8. Then I went from 8 to 10k which was fine. Just take it a lot more slowly than a normal 5k run.

My average time is about 1 hour 8 mins but my route always includes hills ( I can't avoid them round here). As its my first race, the aim is just to get round in one piece! I shall be near the back with the road sweeper following probably!

No it is in Derbyshire so you'll need your own road sweeper!

Derbyshire! Where's that then?
Races are fun! Another thing we thought we'd never do but here we all are.
Training carefully and gradually. Doing some other exercise as well is a good idea.