I've had a very successful run in Cardiff this morning, very nearly started the 10k run but luckily got pulled off the start line literally as they were counting down for the start,
Set off on the 5k a bit faster than intended but it didn't feel fast, using my suunto watch with the ghost runner set up I managed to stay slightly ahead on each lap, until the 4k sign, where I picked up the pace slightly and with a final push from about 800m I managed to finish dead on 29 minutes, which is nearly 3 minutes faster than my best 5k time, the simple reason for this..... virtually no climbing, I usually climb between 75 and 100m on my forestry runs of 5k but today total ascent 8m.
Anyway feeling really pleased with myself and looking forward to building up to 10k, while looking out for a few more 5k events. I raised just over £100 quid as well👍