The day I lost my dad, I remember feeling excruciating physical pain in my chest. I never knew emotions could manifest themselves to be so damn real? I remember questioning myself how will I survive this? How can I survive without him? How do I get through life now?... but I’ve got through 27 months now. It sounded so cliche when people would say to me “this is going to make you stronger”, and I can only say looking back it has. I can deal with anything now. ANYTHING. I’ve dealt with the biggest hit in my life, and I’m still standing! Anything else that life throws at me now I’ll ride through smoothly.
Don’t get me wrong, I STILL have bad days. But my pain doesn’t feel like a stranger to me anymore. This feeling that was this void and so strange, now feels warm and familiar. I can’t imagine life without my bitter-sweet companion that I call grief.
I don’t know what the purpose of this post is, but it’s just something i wanted to share.