not many people on here of late. Is everyone ok?
where is everyone? : not many people on... - Bereavement Care ...
where is everyone?

The Kenster is here been busy today.
Yes I am doing great and had a really productive day today with job hunting and my restart appointment at 1.30pm and an early start picking up my prescription from the chemist down the hill nice and early and had a walk round the area and I have let go of the place for good with having worked through all the anger and resentment when I was bullied there and the scabby care home where I was shouted at for no good reason I walked past and I felt sorry for those who behaved badly towards me there as they are very very unhappy people who should be pitied as that carry on over the unlabelled pasta salad was more than petty looking back and petty minds get upset over petty things!
Those I really am sorry for are the elderly people there who pay a small fortune to stay there only to be treated like rubbish with no other options as they would order the residents around like they were rubbish same way they ordered me around and I wasn't having it and had made a fuss and when I was shouted at that was the final blow when I got my things and walked out and I made the right decision when I did that and there was nothing they could have done about it as I could leave immediately as I had only been there 3 weeks and there was nothing they could do!
I have forgiven that scabby letting agents that tried to bully us out of the place before going through the legal process to get people out when I told them when they accused me of supposedly not paying the rent if you want people to leave you go through the legal process not go accusing people of things they haven't done!
They were very stupid when they did that and the cowardly company that got them to fire the bullets that used them as a mouthpiece!
I feel by accident when they did that it was a favour but there was no need to have been unkind over things though!
Time has helped me to forgive them but just to explain it doesn't mean that I condone bullying and think it's right to bully though or I have to be friends with them again.
I won't be going down the hill to stop there at every chance God sends though even though I have let go and forgiven!
I feel free now I have fully let go and forgiven as forgiveness is something I did for me not them being sorry for them as they are extremely unhappy people who should be pitied with that kind of attitude!
I’m so pleased that things are beginning to work out for you Turnip. You try so hard.
Today it has also been an extremely productive day and I had a homemade hot lunch of beef casserole and extra veg and a bowl of red cabbage as a morning snack which was a change!
This morning I did job hunting and the into work service that i registered with back in January rang me up to arrange an appointment with them for a week Thursday coming at 1.30pm which is nice and positive!
Last night I received a request to go to an interview this afternoon at 4.15pm and I told them straight no I'm not going which was blunt but honest and I won't be either!
At least with an honest no everyone knows where they stand which is better than making up childish excuses!
It's having the confidence to say directly no I'm not going and the world doesn't end as nowadays I have the confidence to do that and not feel guilty for it!
Good news as I have a phone interview on Monday at 12.30pm after job club at restart!
This afternoon it's self care afternoon and listening to music.
Good luck with the interview. Beef casserole sounds scrummy 😋
Its nice having a hot lunch in for a change and I have saved a fortune on food ever since the leisure centre shut down back in January and I do feel that when that happened life was telling me yes to moving on from that time in my life when I got set up to fail at that pharmacy job.
Onwards and upwards!
Too right!
My mate who left the month after I did at the pharmacy said how there was no call for all that to have happened there when I was treated badly because my face didn't fit and that I could have done well working there but the loss is theirs at the end of it all!
Dinner tonight was a chicken pasty and soup with stacks of veg and green cabbage and beans which I really enjoyed and feel lovely and full now!
All I have left in the fridge from the veg I bought a week and a half ago is the savoy cabbage and some green beans from the pantry last week as the turnips, 3 swedes, 1kg sweet potatoes, a red cabbage. 1.5kg of carrots have all happily found a home and been used up here and nothing thrown out to waste!
All the fruit got eaten up last week that I got a week and a half ago but hasn't been replaced yet!
I still have lots of veg in the freezer to get used up in due course!
Up here I have been stopped in the street with people telling me what an inspiration I am!
Hi here.been having problems with Internet I've changed to another.seems ok now.....long may it last !!weather was lovely yesterday.but yes turned cold again today.
Hi Skyp nothing worse than having problems with the internet. Just before Christmas I lost all my emails 🤷♀️. Every single one. I don’t know if I pressed a wrong button after a couple of wines I really don’t think so. I’ve no idea how it happened there were thousands.
How are you other than that? might be able to recover emails from "deleted items " or they might be in the "trash " file.yes I'm.ok just plodding through each day x
My daughter in law told me the same thing. The trash had been emptied 🤷♀️ & I couldn’t face a young person telling me in a loud voice what buttons to press. In truth it probably did me a favour apart from receipts etc..
Get where your coming from plodding just about some me up of late.
Greetings from the US, where things in general are in a turmoil. I'm 9 months from losing my husband after 46 years of marriage. My heart is still so heavy and I cry randomly every day. I just miss him and needed him here with me but I know I need to learn to live along the grief.Still, I have much to be grateful for.
hello from a sunny but chilly UK. 9 months is no time at all. Not surprised that you’re crying daily. Gosh you must so miss him. Where I live I help run a walking group & community lunch. Quite a few of our members are widows & widowers & my heart goes out to them. After one of our walks I organised a curry at a local Indian restaurant. They were so pleased. I asked why did they not order a takeaway if they enjoyed a curry. One they wouldn’t drive in the dark & two they didn’t want the delivery guy to know that they were living alone. A curry for one. How sad. The folk that fare better, I think are the ones that will get out & about try different things join clubs etc…. One of my dear friends is newly bereaved she’s gone out & joined a few clubs reading walking etc,, she finds it easier than going home to an empty house. Only you know if your ready to do that
Look after yourself take care big hugs.