I am new here but find life now so hard - Bereavement Care ...

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I am new here but find life now so hard

Robbie69 profile image
5 Replies

..I suffer from depression , I lost my son 3 years ago , thought I was coping with it but i wasn't , I would sit for hours just staring into space not talking to anyone not interested in talking to anyone ..

After about a year I admitted to myself that I needed help , made an appointment to see my local doctor , he prescribed antidepressants 50mg 3 months later went back again he put me on 100 mg this seemed to help a lot with my moods and my crying now 2 and half years later I feel like i am going backwards , I am back to my crying in the shower or anywhere I am alone , I miss my son so bad it just hurts all the time he is in my head 24/7 anyone else in the same situation , no point in going back to the doctor as he said that was the highest dose he could give me , where do I go from here ?

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Robbie69 profile image
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5 Replies

Hi Robbie69 this is so sad and I feel for you as we should not have to bury our children, my brother died when I was 19 and he was 21 and it devastated our family especially mums so what you are feeling is not only understandable but human nature.

I think that by being open and honest about your feelings is the answer as chemically suppressing them is only temporary relief.

Here's a link that may help you and I admire you for being so open and honest about your feelings so you have taken a great step by joining a support group where you can express your feelings and know that you are not alone and will get lots of support.

Please see:


I wish you well and please remember that you are in great company on here so you don't need keep your feelings bottled up or blame yourself as that is such a negative and useless emotion.

Jerry. 😊

chloe40 profile image

Hello Robbie69

A very warm welcome to our Community.

You've been through a devastating experience, to lose a son is beyond words. I can't imagine the pain you are going through right now but we can support you here.

It is still fresh in your mind Robbie, your emotions are like a rollercoaster, one day life seems to be okay and then next it's as if your dear son was taken only yesterday.

Please ask your doctor for a referral to see a Bereavement Counsellor or therapist, who can give you one to one support. Your doctor may also revise your medication, it may just need a slight alteration in dose.

We have members who have also suffered the loss of a child and know what you are going through and I'm sure they will reach out to you soon.

Take good care of yourself Robbie {{{hugs}}} and please keep in touch, we're here for you.

Chloe <3

Tagging kenster1

Greyone profile image

Hi Robbie69.

Welcome to a good place for comfort from those that have been down a similar road.

Chloe and Jerry are spot on. After losing someone dear to me, I waited a year before counselling and found geat relief from talking with openly and honestly with a professional about how I felt. I acknowledged in our second meeting how much better talking had made me feel. Now I have started on a new path, a sadder but wiser person.

I hope you are able to get the help you need. We'll all here, hoping things improve for you.

Esther228 profile image

Hi there,

I’m so sorry for your loss. My sister lost one of her sons, too, many years ago. It was difficult for all of us to try and process and cope with the loss. For her, and myself, we have always been drawn to the Lord. Reading the Bible and having fellowship with other Christians has been a true place of refuge for us. I don’t know if we would have managed as well without knowing that God cares for us and heals our broken hearts. Do you have family and friends that you can talk with about your feelings? Are there any grief support groups that you can attend?

I am sure thinking of you and pray that you find some peace in this loss. For me, grief is a process and it takes a long time to go through it.

jasm profile image

I'm so sorry to read this. A friend of mine lost 2 sons tragically 10 years ago, she leans on a support group for bereaved parents. It is a safe lace where people who truly understand what strength it takes to face each day after such a loss. Is there perhaps a group like that near you that you could go along to just to be among people who do truly understand and don't expect you to have 'moved on'? My friend said you never move on, you survive after such a loss but you don't move on.

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