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Hi I am new to the site and would like your help. I have an overwhelming fear of death and not existing. Also a huge fear of being ill.

9 Replies

I especially fear a heart attack, this was not helped by finding out that women can get stomach ache before an attack. As I have got stomach pain most of the time I am always expecting a heart attack. If anyone shares my problem, especially the death phobia, which is not often mentioned, I would be so grateful for advice.

9 Replies
Bramwell profile image

The name for your condition is Health Anxiety and I'm sorry to say there's a great many of us just like you on here - me included. Some worry about cancer, others MS or many like you, their heart.

It's a horrible thing and I sympathise with you.

Just remember you're not alone.

JoeT profile image

I too suffer the thoughts of heart attacks. As I have angina the problem leads to acute anxiety, which I am trying to overcome with variable sucess.

As for your death problem,I read recently that as you cannot remember being born, you will not remember dying. That is obvious, but worth taking note of. No one, escapes death so take consulation in that fact... Keep chirpy, that's all you can do. Good wishes xx

sophiecat47 profile image

Health anxiety is my main issue. I've been like this for many years and it gets worse when I have something to look forward to like holidays etc. I always think I am going to become unwell or die.

When I am unwell I always think it's cancer or that I'm going to have a heart attack. I think about it nearly every day and it's like a black cloud over my head all the time.

I usually try to tell myself that I have had these feelings before and that nothing came of it. I think about how long I've had a pain wherever it may be and remind myself that its not got worse over a period of time.

The ironic thing is that I have a brain tumour and I never worry about that and I think that's because its a real thing, I attend hospital to have it checked regularly and I've been assured that this is something I can live with. It all comes down to fear of the unknown.

I was at the dentist the other day and needed an x ray. While I was waiting for the results I panicked that the dentist would tell me he found a tumour or something.

You are not alone, don't think I've answered your question but hope you get some comfort from knowing others have the same anxiety.

Sophie x

Just seen this , Thank you whatnext , not sure what I have done to help , but cheered me up to see your comment




I no the feeling well , this fear started as a young child for me & to be honest has just progressed

I used to focus on heart attack , me to I didn't no you stomach was a sign & I have been getting bad stomachs for years , so maybe its not , lets all try not to worry about that one :-D

Don't google , my love , if you do , I can assure you , anything on there you will relate to something & then you will be convinced

When I joined this site it was suggested not to google & I havnt , its been a help , even though its not took the problem away , but its stopped me adding to it

Every pain , symptom , even like a pain in my cheek bone , which I have at the moment , my head goes into total fear , everything always has to be something serious , I drive myself mad with these thoughts , but be assured its health anxiety & you are not alone

I am waiting to see a physcologist , I have been like this for years & I really want to get to the bottom of where , why & so on , as it does take over your life & the quality

When GP has checked me out , which is often , I do have to try & tell myself , well it would be the longest heart attack in history , as I have been having one for years now ;-)

Have you been to your GP & told them how you are feeling , I would , as counselling if you were willing , I think would be a great help

If you cant get the words out , take a copy of what you have written here & show it them , they have heard it all before & if you have a good GP , they will be understanding

You have made the first step , by coming on here & sharing how you feel , so well done you , take little steps , you have already made one

Keep talking , let us no if you decide to see your GP




sophiecat47 profile image

Whywhy is so right about not googling. It would have you panicking about all sorts of things. I used to do it but realised it was making me worse.

I feel the same as you do whywhy. I've had health anxiety since I was 14 and I'm in my forties now and, ironically, my first fear was having a brain tumour....go figure.

I've been to a psychologist and it did help me get to the bottom of why I may suffer from anxiety and the reason I seem to focus on my health. It's not made it go away but I can talk myself down most of the time. I think the difficulty is reprogramming your brain not to automatically fear the worst which is much easier said than done.

Good luck with your appointment.

Hope these posts help you cathia.

Much love,


Pickle165 profile image

hi and welcome. iv had health anxiety for about 10 years now, i developed it cos i kept getting ill which lead to constant worry about why i was always getting ill. i have just started cbt so i am hoping it will help with all my anxieties. ive had a headache since yesterday lunchtime and it does not seem to be going away and that has got me worrying it wont ever go and what it is, its no fun but from the sounds of it you already know. i fear im going to just colapes and die in pain all the time.........you have health anxiety but you should still see your gp and get hings checked if they think it should be. x

hairyfairy profile image

I know what this feels like because theere`s a strong history of heart disease on my mother`s side of the family, & because of this Iv`e had all sorts of tests which showed that I`m ok for now. I can`t help but worry though, not just about heart disease either. It seems that everytime I surf thenet, or read a newspaper, I`m confronted with yet another health scare. It`s hardly surprising that people get so anxious about their health these days.

R7LBA profile image


I am new to this site and it is so comforting to know that there are others out there with this same condition.

I have had health anxiety since I was 13 which developed when my grandma died, although I didn't know that this is what it was, until 2010 when I thought I had cancer. Luckily everything turned out ok but I haven't been able to stop worrying about my health since then. I was on antidepressants and had CBT which seemed to do the trick and I've had just under 2 years practically anxiety free.

The anxiety has started again about 3 weeks ago and has really shocked me as I never thought I would be feeling like this. I am convinced I have a brain tumor at the moment. I have been through a break up about year ago, which I thought I dealt with really well, but wonder if this is what has triggered it this time?

I currently feel dreadful like no one understands how I am feeling. I have this overwhelming fear constantly and am now struggling to sleep.

Does anyone else get a heavy, pressure type feeling in their heads which makes you feel spaced out? This makes me worry that I am going crazy as I can't seem to function properly.

I going to the doctors on Monday but it feels so far away

Anyway thanks for listening x

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