Hi, my name is Linda, I have two beautiful cats, I'd have more if I could, lol...I love all animals, I even feel more relaxed with them than I do with people, they are non judgemental, I wish people were the same, although saying that; I am not judgemental, I take people as I find them, we are who we are, all individual, unique and special in our own ways. Anyway, I am 55 yrs old and have suffered severe generalised anxiety and panic attacks since I was young, I can't remember the exact age, but as I've gotten older; I am more anxious, with more panic, I find I'm afraid of death and it scares me. I'm afraid of nearly everything come to think of it, the last few months I have been getting really bad migraines, I always suffered with tension, but now migraines, where the light hurts my eyes, any flashing light, even the little light that flashes on my mobile phone hurts my eyes. I joined this group because I think it's good to interact with people who suffer the same and know how you feel and how this awful anxiety disables you and effects your life. If anyone would like to chat with me, please do so and let us all compare notes and help each other, maybe some of you have found some coping strategies, I try to do breath meditation and it calms me down for a while, but half the time I forget to do it. I believe exercise helps, but I am unable to do much of that because I have arthritis in my neck, back, hands and feet, ye, I know, I'm falling to bits, but I'm sure a lot of you might benefit from it. I'm starting to ramble on as I often do, so I will close now, I am sitting here writing this and it's 2.35 in the morning, so I am going to bed to see if I can sleep and hopefully not have any nightmares. By for now my friends xxx
Hi, I am new here and would like to introd... - Anxiety Support
Hi, I am new here and would like to introduce myself....

Glad to see you joined! It's helped me alot to see others dealing with the same symptoms from this horrible thing called anxiety!!
Hi Linda. Animal companions are wonderful, brings out the compassion in us - a positive emotion. I have 2 dogs and a cat. I also have anxiety issues again - Im 62 and have had many years without the symptoms since a panic attack at 18 and a couple of short term bouts. I believe if you accept and not fight or continually question how you are feeling it will subside - not easy to do! Last night I went out with a friend and was introduced to new people. I had been anxious about the whole thing but I had a really good time, laughing and dancing. The way I used to be. I hope to repeat the experience and change the way I live, without constant fear. I hope to be more mindful and get exercise, despite the weather. It may take time, but I'll try to accept that, for now.

Hi Linda,
Welcome to to site. I find it great for giving and getting support. It's something we don't really discuss face to face with our friends much, and only people going through similar things can really give some constructive advice.
Hope you find it good on here.
Hi there, most of the people on here can sympathise with you, including me! Mine came on suddenly after a bad virus which had already taken its toll. I too get the thoughts the same as you, but I am now on medication and waiting for CBT, which will be a while yet. I tell myself what is the alternative to my worries.....think about it. My problems is in the mornings, well when I wake which is usually around 6.00 my mind takes over and I don't want to eat but am so hungry it makes me feel sick. Around 4.00 I can eat more and seem to settle down. My confidence has gone too. used to run a big office. Dr. says its Anxiety and I have to believe him. Hopefully mu medication will get better, only been on it 4 weeks. I have a supportive family that helps and they do not pander to me all the time! I also have my cat who follows me everywhere! Keep chatting on here. Your not on your own, time is a great healer so they say! Lily
Hi linda I to have recently joined this site and found myself very surprised as to how many people suffer from Anxiety now at least I no I'm not losing my mind just need to find away to ease things and not be so hard on myself...nice to meet you. Carol. Take care.
So happy that you've joined. It's a great place to interact with others that are experiencing the same thing as you. It inspired me to write a daily blog on living with anxiety, depression , and PTSD i post coping strategies and tips. Here's the link if you'd like to take a look findingjeannieee.weebly.com
I hope that this group helps !
Best wishes
- Jeannie