Hi everybody,1st time I've been on a blog but here it goes.im a 25 year old female I've been in my job for 7 years,and have been off with the flu and generally feeling rubbish for about a month,I've attempted to go back to work four times but couldn't last the whole day!now I'm really struggling I can hardly eat as feel so icky,lost a stone in a month,feel very low,shaky,tired,knots In my stomach I'm constantly worrying,carnt sleep properly and my body aches,also very dry mouth.and just really scared about going back to work.can anybody relate or give me ur advice about getting better as dont want this anymore!and I have tried thinking positive and saying to myself I can do this,but it really isint working! Thanks a lot
Anxiety is making me so ill: Hi everybody... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety is making me so ill

Firstly, have you contacted your doctor, and did they diagnose you ?
Have you had anxiety before, or treatment?
Many things can trigger anxiety , the flu you have had , which sounds as you had it bad , could have caused you to feel this way
I would have a chat with GP , check you are still not suffering any side effects from the flu & tell them how its left you feeling
Let us no how you go on
Welcome to the site , keep talking , you will get lots of support
hi love i also started like this it was after suffering a virus after xmas and also losing my dad even though this was 9 years ago he died my councellor seems to think i have pushed it away then everything has built up and up and finally hit rock bottom i didnt understand what was happening to me felt awful all the time with same symptoms and terrible chest pains and palpitations from the panic attacks i ended up in hospital 3 times and had ecg bloods monitor dont let it get out of control and go see your doctor who will assess you and help you and also everyone on here is so lovely and do understand and sympothise and suffer same or similar symptoms they also will recommend you going before it gets any worse you can ease this keep blogging good luck xxxx
Hi,I'm going to the doctors tomorrow,and I suffered from panic attacks when I was 16 through my gcses exams.the treatment I had was to see a councillor.it took a year and a half to get over what I had.
Hi Porgie
Sorry to hear that your having some bad times. Speak to your Doctor tomorrow and hope you get some help.
Let us know how it goes
Wish you luck
Hugs Seyi xxx
Hi Porgie. Can't add to whats been said just wanted to say a big hi and welcome to the site.
Bev x
Welcome to a great site with the best support people ever. Good luck with your doctor and let us know how you got on. All the very best.
Hi every1,thanks for ur kind words!!i just got back from the doctors they have written me off work for 2 weeks....they say I'm depressed and have anxiety problems,they want to review me in 2 weeks if I'm better in myself then they think its my job and I need 2 change it.easier said then done!but if I'm still ill when I go back 2 doctors then they are going 2 get me counciling and maybe put me on medication.lets hope I start to get better!thanks for ur support every1!xxx