Been fighting anxiety proper for 3 weeks now,I manage to talk myself calm before bed.I manage to get some sleep,on and off with the help of a Zopiclone and Kalm.The moment I awake,the anxiety builds,I have to get up and get busy.The anxiety builds during the day and at times I feel awful.I fight it,no matter what I do it is there but I fight.Sometimes it eases off a little then it creeps back.Eating is difficult at times but I force myself.I have stopped trying to determine how and when it began and am not to sure of the next course of action but there will be one I will keep looking for the answer and if it works for me,then you will be the first to know.Try to stay strong,I know its tough but so are we.Take care.
SLEEPING AND AWAKE: Been fighting anxiety... - Anxiety Support
Hiya,I know just that feeling of kind of 'dozing' but its fitful and disturbed.I'm on mirtazapine (anti-dep) which does wonders for your sleep.However its that time between waking and getting up,and wondering what the new day will bring.
Stay strong and thinking of you
What strength are you on, I have Mirtazapine and am having some interupted nights, also how long did they take to really start working. From Helen .

Hi Helen,I'm on 45mg after it was increased from 30mg in October.When I first went on it,I noticed drowsiness right from the off but as an anti-dep I noticed a difference after about 4 weeks +
These days I feel just the same, I am anxious about a pain I have ,, having had cancer some years back long story, but its very recently that I have become so panicky and anxious I can also only have fitful sleep its so hard , I sympathise with you for this, I hope you feel better soon , peace to you
Hi there,might be a sleepless one tonight,dont feel too anxious but cant settle down.I feel for you also,god bless the internet!!

noneed to feel utterly hopeless,and despondent.there is see stress inlife is normal.but stressfullife is abnormal.that is what most of us lead.chronic stress is the cause of anxiety disorders.left untreated,youwillland must bridle your can with healthylife style.mutritious diet,brisk walk for an hour a day,peaseful night sleep,multivitamin mineral caps, b complex caps,vitamin b12,and stress relieving nutritional medicines like green tea,aswagandha,ginseng,reishi,adapton,,kh3 etc can bring relief.instead of despairing and allowing yourself to be crushed by anxiety,with faith and hope try as suggested by me.ok.
Hi castelnaudry, sorry to hear you aren't sleeping well. A good nights sleep seems to help, I downloaded some relaxation amd mediation books, to listen to at night. I usually drop off to sleep while they are still,playing so they seem to work. Might be worth a try