I've been seeing a lot of posts about people worried about nerve issues. As for me I know for a fact that anxiety does affect your nerves in a big way. I've been paying extra attention the last four or five times my anxiety came on and every time it messed with my nerves. I thought the worst too like something is really wrong with me but there isn't for the most part. A lot of the nerve related stuff going on with me is from anxiety. It's the bodies way of dealing with whatever is going on in our heads. It's absolutely horrible especially the numbness. I keep thinking I'm going to end up losing feelings in my body and I'll have a MS or something. It's really horrible and terrifying and I've rushed to the hospital more than a couple of times because I thought something fatal was happening to me but every time it turned out alright. I know sometimes that these thoughts in our heads can be so bad that nothing seems to take them away and that's the worst. I think we all need to learn to cope better with whatever this negative energy is that's taking over our minds. In the mean time what works for me most of the time is Holy Basil for depression, Vitamin D for depression, I take B vitamins for nerves, PSY-stabil and Viscum which I got from a holistic doctor and those really help for anxiety and depression. Walking outside helps, listening to the video I just posted about positive affirmations, telling my self that It'll pass, just trying to calm the noise in my head and trying to calm my nerves down by repeating to my self "there's nothing wrong calm down" doing those things seem to help most of the time. For me I've become obsessed with illness. My mom passed away last year so since then I keep thinking that I'll end getting what she had and all this crap runs through my head continuously. I'm at the point that it's almost taking over my mind and I'm trying to fight these negative thoughts most of the time. I could be sitting somewhere having fun then all of a sudden these thoughts about my nerves, about this and that and whatever illness come on. I know it's the fear of getting sick and dying, the fear of being alone, the fear of no one caring. It's just all negative crap that kind of builds a house in your head and from that negative crap that's in our heads, our bodies react in a negative way. Personally I have to learn how to get that negative cloud out of my head so I can get it out of my other body parts but I know for sure it all starts with what's going on in my head, my thoughts. Good luck to everybody!
Anxiety and nerves: I've been seeing a lot... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety and nerves

I do totally agree with what you say. Which for me ive always been a pessimist even beforw the anxiety came on me hard last year so unfortunately it makes fighting through this anxiety harder cuz as you said, it takes thinking more positive. So now im struggling trying to retrain my thought process. Some days i do ok but a lot of days anxiety wins. And i can imagine the long road and time it took for the effects and symptoms of the anxiety to come on me and take over. Its gonna take that same long time trying to reverse probably. I do understand it may be a long process. But just hearing others say that it could very well be our nerves and thought process and our minds that can do this, it makes a lot of sense and helps calm my nerves in that moment. Im glad you've found peace from this and able to work on your recovery. Some one like me I seem to have withdrawals a lot and find myself back in a negative spiral again. Its a fight.
I to believe its the mind and in my case thoughts run a million miles an hour and it makes me nervous and jittery trying to gain control of my mind
This was a really nice helpful post thank you
I wish there was an off switch. I am not scared of dying just failing. Huge fear of failure.