well,my friends,I am feeling very anxious and depressed now,I dont know what to do,I have a phobia of taking meds,can anyone tell me how to overcome this,my head feels like itsgoing to burst .the only thing I take is xanax. I really don't feel well but i'm afraid to take a/ds I am crying writing this.had a great xmas ,no anxiety,now its all back again,its going to push me over the edge,I can't take anymore....
feeling awful,need advice.please.. - Anxiety Support
feeling awful,need advice.please..

Aww hun sorry you're feeling so rough. You say you can take Xanax, but yu're afraid to take a/ds. Can you analyse why - what so different/scary about ads? Can you work out what it is you're scared of?
Can you take the Xanax and the ads together - that is, take a Xanax to calm you down, then take an ad? Not sure what you're on so can't advise, but that may be a way to start?
Sorry not more help
Lots of love
thanks rose for your comment,I had very bad reaction to a/d s in the past,give me severe panic attacks and migraine,only one that dosen't do this is tolvon,but it makes me so dizzy I can't walk.so my fear is the side effects,I know they would go away in time,but I got so many scares,I won't even take a multivitamin or painkiller,only thing I take is xanax and panadol.and rescue remedy.I really need something to lift my mood and give me the motivation to carry on....thank you for caring.xxxxx
Can't give advice but sending my wholehearted support. We are all so brave! Is there something nice you can do today that would lift yr spirits? Thinking of you. Xxx
I can so relate to what you are saying. I have massive anxiety attacks if it is suggested that I take a different medication.I am OK on the meds I have taken for years but any new ones I just dont do it !! My friend has said she will come and sit with me while I take it ( how sad does that make me) so i know how hard it is with anxiety about meds. I know mine is fear of the after effects. Hope this sort of helps Miarose
Hi Miarose
I take Xanax as well..I know you are scared of meds but obviously u didn t find the right one for you yet.I would suggest to try other meds till u find the right one.let them work for few weeks and if they are really bad for you go back to doctor and ask to try something else.Sometimes it takes months before you find the right treatment or years,so don t let this put you off.
U need help to get better and this is a way to help yourself keep trying..there must be some medicine that agrees with you but you have to keep trying..do you have somebody who can help you or support you next to you?it might be helpful,If not we always here thinking of you and give you all the support to get through in this difficult time.
Hi love I know how you feel about taking meds I had the same fear. I have now decided to face this Bastard head on and have volunteered to take clinical trials on a drug for Post Menopausel women. Will probably be anxious but having a fear of dying if someone told me to take a bucket full of tablets to save my life I would take them.Take the meds and any side affect you have just tell yourself the body has to adjust .Bit like taking Booze that makes us dizzy sick and feeling wobbly but did not stop me having a bottle of wine last night LOL
Good Luck xx
Hi MiaRose, what a lovely name,
Some good comments on here, but it is so difficult taking new meds, I feel exactly the same if I need to change my anti-depressants.
I hope you find a way round this.
thank u all for taking the time to reply to me,I am so grateful and don't feel so alone.I can see that I have to be brave and overcome this,I have appointment with dr in the morning and I will let u all know how I get on.I have 5htp,st johns wort ,zispin and lustral all sitting in a box,and I just look at them,sounds so silly when I write it down,especially when Iam feeling so low.but your comments has given me the courage to give one of these a go,my husband is supportive,and tells me to take my meds and stay in bed until I get used to them..thanks again for all your comments I will keep posting.xxxxxx