Today is awful.: I'm sobbing as... - Anxiety Support

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Today is awful.

misswhiplash profile image
17 Replies

I'm sobbing as I write. Had a few good days but am well into a few awful days. That horrible feeling in my chest and stomach. Awoke last night at 4am and panic just took over. My chest hurt the more I thought and so the merry go round went on. So a crap nights sleep really doesn't help. Dizzyness also doesn't help.

My doctor has given me 10mg Citalapram to take should I want. Can start on as few as I wish and take it from there. They are still sitting in the packet! I don't know what to do.

I've stopped sobbing as I couldn't see what I was writting!

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misswhiplash profile image
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17 Replies
rouri profile image

:) calm down dear :) i used to do that all the time, crying make you feel a bit better, i stopped cz i was hurting my stomach basically and caused acid build up that made me sick, so i cry from time to time but i keep in mind if i start sobbing i will make myself worst.

i am dizzy all the time and wake up few times a night, if i heard slight noise i wake up with racing heart, this is just all panic and doesnt' mean anything.

if you wake up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep, just turn the TV on and watch something silly, you will go back to sleep in no time, if the same thing happened again make yourself some chamomile drink and then you go back to sleep, just don't overthink it, it will come and go.

please don't upset yourself now, you can always login to this website and read some reassurance blogs.


rouri xx

in reply to rouri

Hi. rouri. Right; crying (I've done my share) can release a lot of negative energy and helps a lot. Dizziness is one of the most disturbing symptoms; in fact it is what leads a lot of people into anxiety. Frightening, but just another symptom of this rotten illness. It goes as you recover so take heart, misswhiplash. Citalopram is an antidepressant. You may have misunderstood your GP. These drugs take two or three weeks to 'click in'. Can you go back and explain how you feel and perhaps suggest a mild tranquiliser while you are as you are? Only your GP can decide what is suitable for you. I agree. thank goodness for the TV. A mixed blessing but useful at times. You need distraction at times, especially at night to get your mind off the negative roundabout.

Bless you. Love jonathan.

misswhiplash profile image
misswhiplash in reply to rouri

Thanks rouri

Feeling better today and intend to stay away from meds if possible!

Thanks x

Hi. rouri. Sorry, I should have addressed that to misswhiplash . Oh my gawd!!. Getting worse by the day!! Love and blessings. jonathan.

hollow profile image

Hi misswhiplash, did your doctor offer you anything other than medication? I know citalopram is used in treating anxiety/panic and I know it helps people in the short-term however I read posts on here and it seems it's never short-term. It concerns me that the root of peoples anxieties are not being addressed and sufferers are handed pills like they are sweets. Maybe that's a blog in itself. I'm not a particularly religious person but I watched a couple of online videos from some pastor who made more sense about anxiety and medication (John Mark Comer) than any doctor or therapist I've seen/heard. If you do decide to take the medication I'd advise doing some research.

rouri profile image
rouri in reply to hollow

very true, i had my share of pills and this time i just wanted to do it my way, no more pills, most of the people on this site take pills and side effects are greater than any benefits, i don't get it, i have daily anxiety but i feel like mine is more under control than people taking the pills!!! very sad, is like GPs don't care to address the initial problem, is like i am having anxiety (Oh i will give you pills for that) do they even bother to ask why are you feeling this way?? NO!!! i find more peace doing a prayer than swallowing a pill. all the side effects that comes with it not even worth it!!! the last pills GP gave me for my headaches contributed to my anxiety for sure!!!

anyways i hope you are well hollow


in reply to rouri

Hi.rouri. I couldn't agree more. Sometimes prayer can be most helpful but it requires Faith, and when a religious person suffers from nervous illness Faith can be lacking or they think they have been forsaken by 'God'. They have the misguide idea that 'God' is punishing them for something they have done. Nobody is punishing anyone. Things are as they are. We can only look to our own salvation. Bless you. jonathan.

rouri profile image
rouri in reply to

Hi Jonatham,i hope you are well. i probably did ask few times why me, but i cant start even comparing myself to someone with cancer, i know everyone with anxiety suffers a lot, but whom am i to ask God why me, i ask for help and he will help when he has time, he is besides someone hospital bed now and will answer my prayers when time is right. already God and our lady helped me by finding me a good job with people that i have nothing but respect for them.

already send me some cyber angels which includes all of you on this website and some people in my church, i am grateful for that, anxiety came after kind of traumatic childhood and teeange years which wasn't controlled back then and is hunting me now, but all is good dear, all is good.



hollow profile image
hollow in reply to rouri

Hi rouri, that's good to hear. I always feel uneasy posting about meds as I know they help some people but I feel the problems they can cause can far outweigh the 'problem' they are being taken for. I think GP's should have as much of a responsibility not to be prescribing medication just as much as prescribing. I sometimes envy people who have God in their life as a belief/faith in anything good must be so fulfilling. Hoping you are well xx

rouri profile image
rouri in reply to hollow

hello my dear, how are you? i did few times on this website, ya i understand your point of view and i get scared sometimes trying ti influence people, but everyone in here are intelligent and no one shoudl stops their pills with no supervision, but sometimes people should address an important question "why pills are not helping and why people can cope without it?" if they feel that is doign more harm than good so they shoudl consider changing their routine. i am only talking from experience, i have taken pills in my twenties and three years ago with tension headaches that got me here!!! i say no pills can treat my anxiety and i truly believe in that, those pills can only make you sedated all the time, nothing more.

which i can give everyone a hug in here



hollow profile image
hollow in reply to rouri

I'm full of a shocking cold, have taken a few days off as it wouldn't be wise going into work as I work with or in close proximity to some very ill/compromised people. Still having times when my thoughts are running away with me but on the whole I feel the anxiety in me ebbing away. Jonathan posted something called 'my name is hope' which reminded me of a book written by John Mark Comer the pastor I referred to above, he has posted a couple of videos online, really interesting (well I find interesting) how he looks at the bible and it's teachings and how this relates with anxiety and depression is what I find interesting. He's not selling salvation or anything btw.

hug to you xx

rouri profile image
rouri in reply to hollow

poor you, hate flu and tooth aches most and dizziness as well :) lol

what is it that you do Hollow? are you a nurse? retirement home? is this what caused your anxiety?

i will look up the book and buy it, would assume Amazon will sell it.

take good care of yourself, fresh ginger tea with lime and honey is very good, drink few cups a day and if you have Lavender oil just put some drops in a boiling water and try to breathe it in (if not viks will do) juice some fresh oranges and drink (only till mid day) if drunk at night it wouldn't leave you awake all night.

wrap up with blanket and watch a good movie, Audrey Hepburn is excellent choice for a good early afternoon and a Christmas movie for late afternoon :)

hope you feel better soon

big hug

rouri xx

in reply to hollow

Hi. hollow. Well, yes, but! As you know, I regard pills as a temporary crutch. They are fine in the short term but one should not get to rely on them too much. You would not carry your crutches around after you leg had healed. The trouble is they can become a 'habit'. Not necessarily an addiction, but in lots of ways a 'habit' can be just as dangerous. Belief in 'GOD' as such does not always help. A lot of religious people feel 'let down' if they get ill. But, the feeling which I have about there being 'something' that supports us in times of trouble is there. I cannot define it and wouldn't try; call it what you will. It is, maybe, just a feeling after all. Love and regards. jonathan.

misswhiplash profile image
misswhiplash in reply to hollow

Hi hollow. My doctor is very good but alas it's always tablets that are prescribed! No help as far as councelling is concerned, unless I want to pay huge amounts pre hour.

Feeling a huge amount better compared to the last few days


hollow profile image
hollow in reply to misswhiplash

Glad to hear you are feeling better, if it offers any grain of hope we've all been to that dark place I know I have and at times still do, I thought these feelings were with me for life but they are not, they have reduced dramatically. They haven't gone, the other week I was convinced I was having a heart attack on the train, I closed my eyes and thought if I am, there is nothing I can do it about it, I let the feelings and they were physical feelings, wash over me and they subsided. Sounds easy, it wasn't/isn't but if that happened six months ago I'd have jumped off the train at the next stop just to escape. It can get better.

If you feel comfortable enough ask your doctor about accessing some form of psychological therapy, CBT or counselling. If they say no chuck in the words Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) he/she will know where you are going with it.... you don't have to pay for it, there may be a waiting list depending where you live and these lists vary in how long you'll wait to be seen. x

in reply to misswhiplash

If dizziness is a symptom, you may well be hyperventilating (shallow breathing) without realising it. It can cause all manner of nasty and scary symptoms. Read up about it (if you're not already familiar with it) and then learn to practice more even breathing. It's easy to re-train yourself and makes a huge difference.

misswhiplash profile image

Thank you for all your comments.

Trying to steer clear of meds if I can. Been out and done some exercise, which helps.

Jonathan2468 that made me laugh!

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