i feel tired every day. i don t seem to re... - Anxiety Support

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i feel tired every day. i don t seem to recover and i don t know what to do.can anyone help?

Andreea profile image
12 Replies
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Andreea profile image
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12 Replies
stde profile image

Can,t really comment as don,t know your circumstances that make you feel this way.........are you anxious/dep..............are you on meds...............are you on burnout....many things can make you feel this way sometimes mental exhaustion......sometimes meds..........sometimes physical.........have you been checked out at doctors.always a good first step............. ....regards........stde

Andreea profile image
Andreea in reply to stde

I am o meds.i take anxiar and doxepin. i also use to take seroquel, but i don't anymore, because i feel even more tired and i feel like my mind in not exactly clear from this last med.

I suffered from dep for almost a year.in the summer, i start taking those meds.i felt better for one ore two months.then, i had to give up seroquel because i had to study for an important exam.i continued with doxepin and anxiar, but around november a i started to feel more and more tired.So, i thought that if I start to take seroquel again (which I did in december and january this year) things will improve.but it did not.I feel a heavyness in my feet and i move very slowly.I get tired if I walk more than half an hour.

I think my dep came around again

Thank you all for your responses

Andreea profile image
Andreea in reply to Andreea

By the way, leehow, i have a motivation. i have to study and take several important exams to me.so, besides work, all of my energy is centered around those exams. curiously, though, i have no other motivations, except the exams that i told you about.

In fact, the last one i took, i failed it. i think that if I study hard and take the exam, a success will boost my energy and my life will be improved. at least, in this regard

stde profile image
stde in reply to Andreea

You may have done this, but I would return to doctor and explain exactly how you feel........there is various medicines that he can offer in an attempt to find something that is right for you.............re;stde

Andreea profile image
Andreea in reply to stde

I am sick and tired of those meds.

Andreea profile image
Andreea in reply to stde

thank you for taking the time

stde profile image
stde in reply to Andreea

No problem andreea...x

I suppose it just because i fought it for so long on my own, and in my case when i went to doctor the meds managed to give me breathing space to get my head together, I think it was my third med that did the trick..........don,t despair......stde

donaf profile image

My anxiety made me feel tired all the time and once I started my meds and they was kicking in I felt depression and felt even more tired. Like stde said it could be any off them things xxx

donaf profile image

My anxiety made me feel tired all the time and once I started my meds and they was kicking in I felt depression and felt even more tired. Like stde said it could be any off them things xxx

axegrinder profile image

I have been increasingly getting this problem so I really do understand, anxiety can be exhausting, I think all the help I am getting is pointing towards finding ways to break the cycle, so it is another thing you have to try to fight, as tiredness causes you to not do the things you want and can make matters worse. I am fighting this at the moment and those helping me are trying to get me to fight it. It is hard, but it is the same as most things in this illness - you have to fight against it in order for things to improve, like if something makes you anxious, then expose yourself more to it, if you are tired, do stuff and exercise etc. That is what people want me to do. It is one big vicious circle, and we are all in need of a big hammer to smash it up to stop it.....Keep fighting :-)

leehow79 profile image

If its not the meds u r takin it is mst likly fatigue frm sufferin depression. do also hav no motivation? but anxiety can also make u tired, i dnt feel tired frm anxiety like a lot of people describe, i go the complete oppisite + feel like ive got constant adrenalin running through my body. like i said the mst common form of tiredness is depression but like every1 else has said we dnt know ur cicumstances so cld be numerous things or even 2 or 3 of these. kindest regards leeanne.x

stewartmays1 profile image

try and get out and do some exercise it will do you some good

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