I came in, spent the time writing a blog, pressed send and was taken to the the green log in page, tried to return and what do you know, its all gone. argggggg
lost another blog: I came in, spent the time... - Anxiety Support
lost another blog

the picture associated with the original blog come up with the new blog, either, I am not getting it the posting process or it doesn't like my posts
A test of patience which sometimes we could all do without......looking forward to your blog..
p.s. nice house...best wishes
o dear
Happens to us all , i have written e mails , took me ages , got it just right & dont no how but then its all gone , before I press send !!!!
Agree though with stde ..looking forward to your blog & you have got a lovely house
That keeps happening to me. And when I wrote answers on people's blogs it goes to a page that says oops can't process right now yes very annoying!
So now when I written anything I select all and copy before i click post lol just in case
All the best
Hi.PB. What a brilliant idea. It never occurred to me. That would certainly save a lot of aggro. j.
About the last thing we want when in an anxiety state is to do a long blog setting out our troubles to find it disappear when we press 'submit'. I think a lot of websites don't get enough maintenance, although it all being free perhaps we shouldn't complain!!! Grrrrrrrrr
Yeah iv learned to click copy before i post a blog or question, saves a lot of time when your lappy decides to go offline or when the site goes down.
Doesnt seem 2 hav effected me 4 some reason i havnt had a problem yet!
come on pulpjunk were waiting....lol
Yeah, i often select and copy if I've written a long post - in fact, i sometimes just open Word doc, copy it onto that, THEN go back to the site and click to post. Then, if something disastrous happens, I've still got the Word doc which i can save if necessary for when the site/net is sorted Only takes a minute, and it saves a lot of aggro and possible
meltdown lol!
Hey, pulpjunk, don't take it personally And yes, we want to read your blog!!!!