i guess we are all in the same boat
For all lovely ladies out there: i guess we... - Anxiety Support
For all lovely ladies out there

Hey, hey what about us men!
hahaha u always welcome my dear friend, just funny joke but unfortunately a tough reality for most of us xx
I like it, you're forgiven! How are you? Well I hope... xx
tough few weeks, hoping things will get better soon, don't like posting when feeling down, people in here have enough
i hope you are well dear friend, lost few people on this site that upsets me as well, it felt like losing a family member, when you get to know people in here and then they go is just makes me sad!!xx
Ah I'm sorry to hear that my friend, you know you can always message me direct. I've noticed that a few names have not been posting, I've not been around for awhile as I felt there was a change in the site that I was struggling a bit with. xx
is just some women things that will bore you, ellabella listened to me bless her, so sweet.
Jonathan was big help and supported all us around the hour but he deleted his account very strange but it feels like losing someone you knew for ages. i didn't have problems with the site, is just i don't like posting when feeling low!!xx
This is what this site is all about. Blimey i sound like a stuck record but i get that frustrated i have to post something. My friends dont understand and all of you on here do. xx

Hello Lou! x
Hello Hollow, nice to see you back. You got the right idea eating choc cake. Think i will be doing the same tonight. xx

true, i just wonder why!! xx
I used to wish that I could have a meaningful & lasting relationship with a good man, but I always attracted the sort that were only after sex, so I decided that I was better off on my own. Iv`e not regretted my decision.
For a moment I thought your post had something to do with my chocolate cake and was wondering 'where the heck that came from' and then remembered this is rouri's blog and nothing to do with my cake Sorry.
This sounds like a typical female conversation and the bloke doesnt get it. xxx

tut tut x
Love the quote Rouri and the whole chocolate conversation has really made me laugh.
My friend and I were very interested when a notice went up at work last week to say a "perf man" was schedualed. We watched eagerly for the arrival of the "perfect man" ~ how disappointing to discover it was "performance management" had been schedualed!!!
Oh well, we live in hope.x
Hahahahaha we live in hope!! too true Faded lizard ! xxxxxxxxxxxx