Can hormone levels affect your heart beat? I'm due my period this week my skin is playing up so I know my hormones are raging!🙄 But I'm also getting really bad palpitations. Could this also be my hormones? Much love everyone 💜
Ladies??? : Can hormone levels affect your... - Anxiety Support

I get extra anxious around my period, which I blame on my hormones haha. Increased anxiety can lead to palpitations for me at any time, it's just more common around my period because I'm always more anxious/panicky then. I hate palpitations, so I feel your pain!!
Hey thank you for replying💜 I know right it starts racing out of no where!!!! It's like the body goes into crazy mode when a period is due
I know, it's horrible try googling some relaxation techniques, they can really help!! Since I started using them a few years ago, I've stopped having panic attacks almost completely
Really? What sort of techniques do you do?
Focusing on breathing - count to 7 breathing in, then 11 breathing out. Imagine there's a balloon in your belly, keep your hand on your diaphragm and focus on the "balloon" expanding when you breathe in, then deflating when you breathe out. Keep doing it until you feel calmer and physical anxiety symptoms are gone/easing up.
There's a good technique where you imagine going to your "safe place." It could be anywhere you've been in your life, or imagined, where you feel really safe and comfortable. You close your eyes and imagine walking up the path towards it, opening the gate/door and going in. Imagine the surroundings, take everything in. Sounds, sights, smells, etc. Think about how safe you are, nothing can hurt you etc. How you feel being there. Then when you're ready, you imagine leaving, closing the door/gate behind you and returning to the present moment
Another one is to close your eyes and slowly tense then release the muscles of your body, one part at a time - ie feet, legs, stomach, shoulders, arms, hands, face. Then tense everything at once, hold it, then release, relax them all and focus on the relaxed feeling
There are probably more you can find on Google, those are some I learned from a counsellor about 7 years ago, so that's the best I can remember them haha! There are some good apps you can get that do "guided meditation" - they basically talk you through similar things. I can't remember any names though, I've downloaded tonnes in the past hahaha. I go through them until I find something that works for me
I get palpitations around period time when my iron is on the low side. Have you had iron stores checked?
I've had blood works done would it show up in that Lbk64
I would think it should have. Do you already have your results?
Yeah my bloods came back normal x
Hmmm, I'd be interested to see those results.
Apologies, that sounded abrupt and wasn't meant to. Just meant that when they do blood tests, there are 'ranges'. Upper and lower of all things tested. If your iron for example, is on the lower end of the scale, it may be enough to set off palpitations. Magnesium deficiency is also a possibility, but it's no good doing bloods for mag as it is not an accurate way to test magnesium.