Is ECT the way to go...: If you have tried... - Anxiety Support

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Is ECT the way to go...

19 Replies

If you have tried everything to feel better but has failed? My parents are suggesting I do it because I've been on and off depression and anxiety for over 20 years. Any comments welcome!

p.s thanks to all those who kindly offer their advice or thoughts.

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19 Replies

Hi. simon. Like all treatments only your GP (or psychiatrist) can decide. They would have to for ECT has to be approved by them. Again; it helps some people. Like all therapies it is not a 'cover all' treatment. Have you been on antidepressants? I feel you must have been. Have you tried other therapies? With so little information it is difficult to give advice. I have not had ECT but have had depression I came out with antidepressants but I do feel that a long term solution is necessary. Some can be a 'quick fix' solution and wear off after a time. Very best wishes and come back if you wish. jonathan.

ECT has always been a controversial therapy, which has gone in and out of fashion several times but is still offered to some people.

I think it depends on what TYPE of depression you have. Doctors are not great at pointing out to their patients that there are different types, and what the differences are. Unless you see a psychiatrist you will often not get the best help for long-term depression. Some depression is described at Treatment-Resistant.

This site is useful, although as it's an American one, remember that treatments on offer will differ here.

in reply to

Thank you!

ellabella profile image

How do you feel about this Simon? I know as a parent myself that your's will have your best interests at heart, but it is not happening to them with respect. I have mixed feelings and fear I admit about this treatment. I don't suppose I know enough about it much love xxxx

in reply to ellabella

I feel torn. My parents only want the best and because they live in sydney are more anxious as a result of being so far away. My dad is literally about to board a flight to come and support us. I'm going to try other therapies but will ask my GP about ECT

thunderacer profile image

Dear Simon,


the first time was after a head injury that left me with a deep depression that lasted for nearly 2 years, had been offered ECT before but wasn't sure and the psychiatrist who suggested it moved away but after so long depressed and medication doing nothing but making me feel worse I asked if I could try it! The first time it was 12 treatments as a course having 2 per week on a Tuesday and a Friday, steadily it helped and after 10 I was feeling my old self again and didn't need the last 2 treatments and was back in work two weeks later as if nothing had ever happened. I have had it twice more with 2 further bouts of depression but only lasted 4 months and 3 months but this was only because of gov/ NHS rules which say they must try combinations of drugs first but once I had had ECT I was again back at work within a week of ending treatment.

It is not like " one flew over the cookoos nest" lol as I had imagined ;-)

You are given a general anesthetic, electrode sticky pads are placed on certain parts of your head and they give a small shock to induce a seizure, you are also given muscle relaxants to stop you thrashing around. It seems to work like resetting a computer

As has been said, it does not work for everyone and I feel lucky that it works for me so quickly when medication never has.

Good luck with whatever you decide but I believe it saved my life and gave me hope that if it happens again there is something that helps.

in reply to thunderacer

Thank you. Can I ask who you asked, a GP or psychiatrist? I've never been offered it and have tried almost everything. Also did you have to wait long on the NHS?

thunderacer profile image

Once it was agreed it took 2 weeks to arange but you have to have a couple of health checks first, I asked my psychiatrist and my cpn.

Optimistic9 profile image

My advice would be Do NOT have ECT under any circumstance as it can cause irreversable side effects such as severe memory loss, brain damage and disorientation. I am amongst the many people who think it should be banned. It is totally unscientific and was started when psychiatrist Ugo Cerletti saw pigs being stunned with electrodes applied to their heads before slaughter. I believe mental and physical health go hand in hand and if you value your physical health you will look for safer alternative therapies to help your depression. ECT does not reset the brain, it scrambles it and it is very risky indeed. Have you read the book by Doctor Terry Lynch called "Beyond Prozac" I think this would help you a lot before you make any decisions

thunderacer profile image
thunderacer in reply to Optimistic9

I have had this treatment and am not scrambled or fried and has litterally saved my life, I have no memory problems and do an engineering job which when depressed I cannot do so my quality of life is 100% better than the living hell before, you are welcolm to your opinion but for me it was the best thing that happened. Regards Steve

Optimistic9 profile image

Out of its 2 million victims worldwide ECT kills 10,000 each year, so count yourself lucky. Despite legislated consent procedures psychiatrists ensure that the dangers and ramifications of this destructive "so called therapy" are never fully explained to patients or their families. In the USA The mental health foundation ECT factsheet reports that ECT causes brain damage , memory loss and disorientation. Psychiatrists still cannot explain how the ECT procedure is supposed to work , nor can they justify its extensive harm. Documented studies show that ECT creates irreversable brain damage, often causes permanent memory loss and may result in death. Imagine a heart surgeon claiming not to know how the heart works or stating that there are many THEORIES but no scientific facts, yet a psychiatrist knows he is in such a position as he straps down a patient for modern shock treatment , searing the brain with 180-480 volts of electricity!

The brain is a very delicate and most necessary organ.ECT is a total risk. There are hundreds of ways in which to help a depressed person. Maybe just listening without judging or labelling is one way and also to treat every person as an individual, because every persons story will be different. Harsh addictive drugs, labels and brutal treatments should be made a thing of the past and psychiatry needs to adopt a more holistic and personal approach instead of trying to fit everyone into a category with a drug to match. I believe the mental health system as it stands does not work and also too many normal human feelings and emotions are being turned into DISORDERS in order to make huge profits for drug companies. As you said I am entitled to my opinion, thankyou

thunderacer profile image

I agree with all you say, but for me it was explained and I weighed up the pro's and con's and I decided to have the treatment and it has helped me immensely so yes I am lucky and no you are not straped down! You are not awake either, general anesthetic and muscle relaxants are used and if my depression does come back I will have it again to give me the will to change the way I see things as when depressed I do not talk or concentrate properly so talking about it then does not help at all, as you say wr are all different and can make our own choices and I would never tell anyone to have this trratment but I would also not tell anyone not to have it, it is their choice!

Optimistic9 profile image

Surely you would rather have treatment which finds out the cause of your depression and helps you to deal with it and possibly cure you forever instead of relying on such a harsh and,dangerous procedure. Simply managing symptoms is not the answer, you must find the cause and get to understand what triggers it . Too many ECT treatments will undoubtably cause brain damage in the long term. It is a most unnatural and risky assault on the brain. It is your choice yet there are some people who are forced to have it under current laws when a person is sectioned. This to me is pure torture and a violation of the human rights of the most vunerable in our society. Psychiatry is so unscientific, with no tests to prove their many so called disorders even exist. I think you should watch "Psychiatry an industry of death" ......... [link has been removed by site admin]

It is up to you of course but please be careful. You only get one brain!

thunderacer profile image

You should also not be swayed by what you read! And yes I agree it is an asault when done when someone can't refuse it, but how long do you wait to get back a quality of life that you hadand have tried everything from cbt, herbal so called remadies, accupuncture, hypnosis, various drugs( prescription) , time out, change of career, change of diet!

1,2,5,20 years how long is acceptable to get to the point you will try anything!

I am still learning and hopefully will find a way to not fall again, regards steve

thunderacer profile image

It really is a sad depiction of the human race that all psychiatrists get tared with the same brush as the oppressive governments and regimes use the services of mercenary doctors who will sell their soles for wealth themselves being used for other peoples agendas.

I must have been lucky to end up in a facility with caring human beings running it!!! And getting support as an out patient in the community, not even being sectioned when I refused medication because of the adverse side effects, or maybe the attitude to MH in the uk has grown and evolved, as years ago people were locked up medicated and forgotten about. Maybe if someone came up with a proven alternative! But will not happen whilst there is money to be made and humans that only care about wealth and power

Us mere mortals are just like mushrooms : fed shit and kept in the dark

BelleScript profile image

I have just had 15 sessions of ECT procedure in the past 2 months and am still in the specialist clinic as an in patient even though I have ceased the ECT for now... I was going to do 24 sessions but after 13 started noticing severe memory loss which would have been good if it was the Childhood trauma memories that will still haunting me to this day at 46 and it's become apparent, what has riddled my life with anxiety !!!! 

I have had and am still receiving the most professional caring care daily but yes there are many questions to be answered!

I have the most amazing, intelligent, insightful, astute puschiatrist I could wish for, for me!

We are working through all that has become apparent after my treatment ... He is working on a daily basis with me here in the clinic to uncover and connect it all... I believe the ECT has now brought to the forefront of my emotions and behaviours as they are presenting currently, many many years of suppressed pain fear which has led me to living a life riddled with anxiety. I am now angry and raw but finally ECT has allowed me a process I am extremely happy with to do with my past trauma and live with it without anxiety control my every da day.

I am also blessed with a loving and supportive husband of 25yrs who too is learning along the way how this therapy is changing my brain chemicals and responses and how it has been 'reset' in a way that we are both happy with! We are still learning as the each day passes and are learning strategies from my brilliant 'psych . He is showing me how to understand, worth with and implement these strategies so that my brain can deal with the past and move forward 1 day, 1 step at a time!!!

It is said my memories I have lost will return and quite frankly I'd rather lose a few memories and be a bit scatty but have my life back and be able to function without accute anxiety for the rest of my life having PTSD that's just left stagnating!

That's my experience to date....  

I'd like to thank my medical team here in Perth at the Hollywood Clinic and my 'Rock Star' of a psych who I'm pretty sure my husband and I are going to be forever grateful to!!

Best wishes to anyone going though the decision making process. 

Be blessed

BelleScript x

in reply to BelleScript

Hi Belle,

I'm also getting ECT at Perth but only on my 4th. I have serious social phobia. Have you noticed a difference? :)

rverde profile image
rverde in reply to

Hello, I also have severe social anxiety, and depression. So I do know how you feel. Did you ever get to try ECT?

BelleScript profile image

Apologies for all the typos, I'm not blaming the ECT but am my fat thumbs and lack of sleep!!! 😋

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