Great Opportunity!! But anxiety is in the ... - Anxiety Support

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Great Opportunity!! But anxiety is in the way!!

Anxiously1 profile image
7 Replies

Good morning! I need some help. I have this opportunity to leave my home state of Virginia and move to Florida with my fiance. We have established 3 businesses that we run from here. And now we are a that moment where we want to leave. But I have never been on a plane and I don't know what to do. Any tips would be of great help.

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7 Replies

I know how you feel. My advice is take something that can distract you while you are on the plain. Reading, music maybe a game. Taking deep relaxing breaths helps anxiety. The good thing is you are not traveling alone. Your fiance will be there the whOle time holding your hand.

Anxiously1 profile image
Anxiously1 in reply to

Thank you for the advice! Our best friend and my 9 year old son will be traveling too. What scares me the most is that I'm afraid that I will have a panic attack and everyone will look at me funny and weird. I already consider myself as a not so normal person after battling anxiety on and off since I was 19 and I'm 34.

in reply to Anxiously1

We are normal Anxiously1, just different. I get that fear of people looking at me funny when I take public commute to work, I get anxiety almost all the time. But I distract myself with my tablet reading, playing games drinking lots of cold water and eating a little snack. I don't always know if my anxiety will be too strong to control but I try my best to keep it controlled. You have to start thinking positive as of today. Say to yourself , I am stronger and I will have a great flight and my new life will be great.

Anxiously1 profile image
Anxiously1 in reply to

I love that saying! I will start today! I know that I will be ok. I just have to trust in myself.

Mariapalmer profile image

Be brave , remind yourself why your on that plane and remind yourself you are strong and you can get through it. You can do this! Keep yourself occupied , stay chatty if need be. Try not to clock watch or it’ll go even more slow. I did a plane ride and it wasn’t half as bad as I thought it’d be x

Anxiously1 profile image
Anxiously1 in reply to Mariapalmer

Thank you! I will try to remember that.

Johanna4832 profile image

I was terrified to be on a plane for the first time, especially cause I was only 16 and flying on my own, and because I'm extremely scared of heights. I had a panic attack at the airport before going through the security check, but I felt better soon after, simply because I was alone and kinda had to, I couldn't rely on anyone else.

Anyway, even though I was terrified, it turns out I really like flying! The height doesn't bother me at all which is weird but awesome lol

To me, taking off is really fun, being above clouds is incredibly beautiful and the rest of the journey I usually sleep 🤷🏼‍♀️

So this isn't really a tip, but just my experience and maybe flying will be okay for you too! Even if not, you're not flying on your own and you could distract yourself with something else like watching a film or playing a game with your son.

And just tell yourself that you can handle anything for a few hours. Because you might not feel or believe that, but you can. Human bodies are designed to survive and you just need to learn to trust your inner strength and know that you can handle whatever life throws in your way.

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