I went into holland and barratt today with a view to buying st johns wort but the assistant suggested 5 ATP and from what i have read briefly it seems to have been very well recieved.
Has anyone tried 5 HTP?: I went into holland... - Anxiety Support
Has anyone tried 5 HTP?

I've never heard of it, do you have more info on it? I am now off my antidepressants, I suffer low mood now and again I wonder whether St.Johns Wort is worth a try...what is your experience with it?
I have never heard of it previously the lady in H&B just suggested its as a mood enhancement with very little side effects. I didnt jump in there and then, its around £15. I was dubious after the sertraline so googled a few sites. This one was very helpful, im going back to buy some tomorrow. webmd.com/vitamins-suppleme...
I hope this helps and sheds some light x
That is very interesting. Let me know how you get on with it!
Will do thank you
Hi Kelit. Just a word of warning. St. John's Wort should NEVER be taken with Diazipams or Antidepressants. You should consult you GP before taking it anyway. In Europe it can only be obtained on a prescription. There are mixed accounts as to how effective it is. I have not found it helpful, but I do know it has helped some people. It is the old "horses for courses" thing. All herbal remedies need to be researched before being taken, but some are very useful for those who do not like taking drugs. Hope we have all been of help. jonathan.
Yes, I take this daily with cod liver oil tablets. I don't take anything else though. For me they have been a god send. Found the holland & Barrett ones weren't that effective. I ordered some offline I think they are Soltan. They are a bit stronger & haven't got rid of my GAD but helped. Good luck
Thank you, i went bad the H+B today but didnt end up buying any as i didnt want a reoccurance a horrendous reaction to the first sertraline i took. I may reconsider as i feel very paniced at the moment. Im begining to wonder if its associated with low blood sugar as im not eating a great deal.Thank you everyone.
I double checked when I got home, if you do want to give it a whirl. Mine are Solgar 100mg tablets.
Thank you, did you have any side effects??? Im a bit dubious after having a scary episode after 1 sertraline. Thanks
5-HTP is the precursor of seratonin; it's on wikipedia. It's from the seeds of the Griffonia plant.
I started taking 5-HTP years ago when there was a really good brand doing it in a pure, high-strength formula, but they stopped doing it. Then I went onto Kordel's, but then they stopped doing it. Since then I've tried a few different brands, but they tend to mix it with other things (like vitamins) and the effect hasn't been the same for me.
I have tried H&B's 5-HTP a while back and it seemed okay, but it's far too expensive for me to buy regularly and with 5-HTP it's something you need to take regularly every day.
The effects of good 5-HTP are phenominal, miraculous, from my perspective. It returned me back to the person I was in a way that no meds have ever done - it literally transformed my brain back to how it used to function and the change was so good that I didn't even realise it until one day I thought, "I feel completely normal" and there was no trace of 'lunacy' in me.
I used to have a terrific problem with pent-up rage deep inside me caused by chronic frustrations that life had caused me and nothing I could take, or do, had any effect on it and I felt like I was going mad, genuinely mad. But 5-HTP got rid of it and I'd say in fact that it cured my brain of what was unbalancing it, because after taking 5-HTP for about two years and stopping due to the cost, I've never felt that level of inner rage/frustration syndrome again that was such a 'malignant' aspect of my mentality.
I'd definitely give 5-HTP a go. I always suffer the most terrible side-effects from meds, but I had zero from 5-HTP and only superb benefits that brought my mind into a harmonious, natural balance.
You can now be prescribed 5-HTP in Europe alongside depression meds - it would be amazing if one day we could get it on the NHS in the UK. It would be such a benefit to so many people!
Oh my goodness, im thrilled to hear this has had such a wonderfully positive effect for you. This has really really given me te boost to give it a whirl. I walked past holland ad barratt today and just decided to go in and get it. I havent taken it yet as i was told not to take it with other herbal remedies and having had a Boots calms capsule i thought it best not to. This has definately given me the confidence to tae it. I know i sound like a wuzz but it took a few days to get over the horrendous reaction of sertraline. Ive just got 3 more days in a my current job and im detemind not to crumble in the last few days. (my current post has lead to this level of anxiety and stress and i have really tried not to let it beat me even whn ive felt purely dreadful in there)
What a huge relief you must feel when you have reached that stae where you feel back to status quo.
Thank you so much for this insight. Kelly
Ive not had any side effects, I also find it works better when I don't take it everyday. But then it depends if you can cope with a couple of days with GAD. I read someone the cod liver oil capsules help it to work.
Thank you, anything is worth a shot.