I havn't felt this poorly in a while......... - Anxiety Support

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I havn't felt this poorly in a while..............

Pickle165 profile image
7 Replies

Im finding it really difficult to do anything at the moment. i just keep getting ill and i feel like i never really fully recover, it really is weakening me mentally and physically. about four weeks ago my dog died and that was really stressful she was my delightful little companion, then about a week and a half later i got a water infection that went to my kidneys, i felt as rough as hell and had to take antibiotics which then made me ill in other ways. my period got delayed i believe cos of the water infection so im all mixed up and out of sync now with hormones flying around everywhere. having awful somach churning and a sore feeling, my ibs has gone up the wall too. my head feels like i just got off a boat, i have the aches of an 80 year old woman but im only 31!!!! im off to the doctors this afternoon and i really dont know how to put it all in to words with out being fobbed off again. my anxiety is so high at the moment that im just permently internally shaking..........i just want it all to stop. i trully believe that most of my anxiety comes from me keep being ill. i am waiting for a camera to be put down my throat but i said i will only have it done asleep and i feel like ive been waiting for ever.........ive been trying to keep myself busy and concentrate on my new little dog i only got the other day but its so hard to enjoy anything when you feel so ill..........does anybody else have this sort of thing happening to them, i feel so alone and misunderstood. thanks for listening to me. xxxxxxxxxx

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Pickle165 profile image
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7 Replies

Hi sam1981. My deepest sympathy to you about your dog. My wife and I have been there and we know how you feel. You were wise to get another who you will eventually love as much as your last one. Your dog dying has sensitised you even more, so your reactions to normal stress have become exaggerated. You find that most of the organs in your body will be affected in some way. They are all reacting to the great amount of adrenalin you are subjecting them to by your anxiety. Now having a camera down your throat is not anywhere near as bad as it seems. I had it under a local anaesthetic.So take heart. On this site no-one is alone or misunderstood because, in one way or another, we have all been there. Now, please try and ACCEPT how you feel without adding fear to fear. Relax as best you can, go with it, try and let your body just droop, release as much tension as possible. This sounds difficult and it is, but IT CAN BE DONE. By accepting how you feel you release tension and thus diminish the amount of adrenalin,( the hormone that causes anxiety), and this helps you to relax. Has your doctor given you any medication for anxiety? It is difficult to know when one is physically ill or it is a nervous problem, so be guided by your doctor. I hope you have a sympathetic one. Please, try not to worry. Who wouldn't. All the symptoms you describe are those of an anxiety state which is a lot more common than you may think. Thinking will not harm you if you ACCEPT how you feel. Go for it. Good luck at the doctors. jonathan.

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to

I agree with jonathan and couldn't have written it that well.

I've had the camera and I was asleep, I didn't even have a sore throat afterwards!

You are grieving for your lovely little dog, that's natural and it takes it out of you. please allow yourself to be upset, to cry. nobody can ever take away your happy memories and you will build new ones with your new little dog, give yourself time to adjust. what did you call him/her?

I hope your ibs and things improve,



in reply to hamble99b

Hi andra99b. What a wonderful site this is. I only wish I had found it years ago. Thanks for your comments. You are right, I did not even have a sore throat. (Take note sam). Nice to read your blogs. Blessings and best wishes. jonathan.

Pickle165 profile image
Pickle165 in reply to hamble99b

pixie the chihuahua. x

Melgil58 profile image

Hi Sam Jonathan hits it on the head if you face it quietly it does lessen the problem your having a rough time at the moment losing your dog and health problems it feels a constant battle to balance your self with anxiety little niggles keep cropping up and people know so much about things these days health wise minds automatically jump to the worst wrong conclusion but they pass I have exactly the same problems you do churning stomach nausea headaches ibs extreme tiredness feeling like i have a lorry tyre round my shouders I only feel about seventy though although I'm only 59 soreness in the ribs muscle pains dizziness you name it i feel it but I sit and face it concentrate on what I'm feeling and ask myself is it a pain or is it a painlike feeling and its usually the latter i do get some peace from it I hope you your new little dog are getting along well and stop feeding this anxiety with attention because that's what it lives on you take care I hope your procedure goes well and you get some reassurance as I said you take care look after your dog and get some peace from this unwanted companion of ours good wishes to you. Mel

Pickle165 profile image

Thank you all for your support. x

john80614 profile image

You should all try a thing called "Binaural Beats", these computer generated sound files are said to massage your brain and produce all sorts of effects, and are excellent for stress/ depression/ anxiety disorders. A binaural beat is created by playing a different tone in each ear through headphones, and the interference pattern between the slightly differing frequencies creates the illusion of a beat. It's completely safe and scientifically proven - google it!!

If you search the Internet for "binaural beats" you'll quickly find there's a whole industry built on the idea that listening to binaural beats can produce all kinds of desired effects in your brain. It can alter your mood, help you follow a diet or stop smoking, get you pumped up for a competition, calm you down, put you to sleep, enhance your memory, act as an aphrodisiac, cure headaches, and even balance your chakras;-)

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