only been on the fluoxatine 2 weeks,has anybody found these meds to help thanks.
Hi, im new to this forum,and was recently ... - Anxiety Support
Hi, im new to this forum,and was recently diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks,my doctor pescribed me flouxatine and propananol as req.

Hi gordon, welcome. ive been on prozac for two years now but previous to that ive been on them twice before also. ive always found these drugs to have the least side effects to all the others ive tried. as its only been two weeeks really give them a chance to kick in. what is propananol?
I have experience of using Propanolol and find it useful - recommend you see the comments on the question about it from 6 days ago for some useful comments. Hope your treatment helps you.

thanks karrl
Hello,I've been on paroxetine,a similar thing,for almost ten a long term sufferer of anxiety yes these pills help,they take abit of the weight on your shoulders off.but long term it's good to think about long term lifestyle changes to help too.drink less caffeine,alcohol,lots of exercise,tell close ones how your feeling and most of all never,ever give up WILL get better
Thanks Spanna9
Hi i have been on and off them for 6 yrs ..but i always end up going back to them as they seem to work for me and i dont get any side effects ..2 weeks isn't long normaly takes 4 to 6 weeks to kick in properly ...maxine
propanalol is good to help with shakes , but i wouldnt use it long turm as it does have some nasty side affects
Thanks for your reply Maxine
I've been taking paroxetine and propranolol for more than 10 years, can't say I've had any noticeable side effects. Doc says I can stay on them for life.
thanks greengrape
I am on Prozac for 1 year. Have used other anti depr before. They really work for me, just a tricky part is once I feel better I want desperately to stop using anti depr which from my experience shown bad now I am on mine anti depr probably for a long time...good thing is I feel normal and caN function as others...
hi i'm on citalopram and propanylol , i find propanylol very good works well for me , i was told that if possible to take one dose in the morning then only take the further doses if i felt i really needed them , so i don't feel too dependant on it . obviously i have good days when i only need one or two doses and bad days when am barely coping on all doses , but i feel proud of myself on the days i coped on less and don't always need to take it in situations where i would not have coped previously it makes me at least try to manage my anxiety and use the medication as last resort which am sure is positive!
the citalopram on other hand just seems to keep my emotions on a fairly even keel
thanks for your replys Leata and Tinyclanger