Social anxiety has officially beaten me and I've just about given up hope now... I've had counselling which has not worked. During these sessions I was told to try mindfulness meditation which only helped when my anxiety was already low. I've been told to expose myself to the social situations which I fear.. I have done this on countless occasions and the fear still lies here and will not go away. It leads to arguments at home with family, they don't understand how I feel and I just don't know what to do anymore.
NO solution works...: Social anxiety has... - Anxiety Support
NO solution works...

I'm really sorry to hear you've been suffering so much recently. Reading your blog I really feel for you. I haven't been diagnosed with social anxiety but I've had anxiety problems most of my life, some of which link to social situations. I feel like I'm struggling a lot recently. I always feel on the edge of social groups, have trouble looking people in the eye, am easily offended by what people say. Also I feel like my family don't understand me - if I ever tried to confide in them it turns into arguements. It hurts, makes me feel alone and insecure.
I don't think anyone understands anxiety unless they've experianced it themselves. Because people can't see it, they are ignorant towards it. Feel free to send me a message if you ever want to talk. You are not alone.
Soft hugs, wanderingwallflower xx
I'm sorry you're feeling so bad but it hasn't beaten you. Don't let it, this is your body and your thoughts so really you are in control. I used to feel how you feel but now my life is good, Im not 100% yet but I'd say I'm a good 80% of the way there most days (we all have bad days). I spent all my savings looking for help, buying programmes from people who told me they had the answers. Nothing really helped, them telling me it would gave me hope but they didn't make my anxiety better. I was always searching for the next thing etc etc then I came across EFT by accident one day, the manual was FREE so I gave it a go and I started to feel calmer and people around me noticed some positive diffences withing a cpl of days. Long story short, I spent months playing around with it, felt a lot better so decided to learn EFT properly and eventually became a practitioner. I do some voluntary work locally and have seen it help so many people. Have a look into it, see what you think and if you want to chat or ask anything then just send me a message....I'm happy to help!
Keep positive
Lesley x
Don't give up. I know how you feel, I have suffered from sa for more than 30 years! It's been hell at times and I've never believed I would never overcome it. I can honestly tell you that in the last three years I've managed to overcome a lot of my anxiety. I'll never be completely free of it, that's just the way I am and I can accept that but it's not holding me back as much now. I volunteer for Anxiety UK and I've been really lucky to have found such supportive people who helped me so much to gain some much needed confidence and belief in myself. I don't think there is a single cure for anxiety, I believe it comes from a combination of things, everyone is different and it's about finding something that works for you. Keep looking and trying new things and try and surround yourself with positive and supportive people who will encourage you and help you to believe in yourself. Best wishes.
Thanks for all the comments and your concerns. I am feeling better today.
HI glad your feeling better today and hopefully a bit better again tomorrow and the next day a bit better than that x x
Hi, glad to heat you're feeling better, have you ever had CBT? Just wondered if that is another possible route to go down (although that could have been part of your counselling)... I guess another poss is Anxiety Uk have some materials that may be useful. Other than that I echo what others have said! best wishes
I think we all have gone through bad days where we think nothing is going to work. If you can accept that there is no 100% recovery (but 90% is possible!) then you can start facing it and finding ways to cope. Hope that helps.
I know it must be hard but never give in, make changes to your routine or times when things feel bad, tiny steps and try facing it head on, and if it does not feel good , just keep chipping away until you get the desired effect and feeling that you want
Chronic Anxiety is a horrible thing. I have had it for many years. In social situations I appear to other people to be fine. However, I am finding the whole thing very stressful. I am like a swan, appearing calm on top but paddling like hell under neath. I am not on any medication at the moment as I find it ineffective. I did self medicate with alcohol but stopped this a long time ago. I wish I could find an answer to this as it is ruining my life. It is like the film Groundhog Day, every day is the same. Same anxious thoughts. I hope you feel better soon.