Hi, I'm new here. I think I could have Social Anxiety although I'm reluctant to go to a doctor as I'm not sure if I'm just being overly dramatic. Basically I'm a 21 year old male and have just started my first proper job. At work I tend to get anxiety whenever I talk to a new person or someone I barely know. This has resulted in me avoiding talking to people at work. Furthermore, I seem to get anxiety whenever I get into an awkward situation such as if I don't hear someone properly or am struggling to understand something, which usually just makes the situation worse. Things like this I think have been going on since I was around 13. For example when I was in Secondary School I was too embarrassed and shy to contact my friends to ask if they wanted to meet up which resulted in a pretty uneventful time at school. I did also get anxiety before I was 13 although not due to social situations (used to get paranoid about my parents not being there to pick me up from Primary School for some reason). There are other examples of situations that cause anxiety, but too many to fit in one post. I think my awkwardness in social situations is negatively affecting both my social and professional life. If if it is due to Social Anxiety then I guess I would have to see a doctor but I wanted to get other people's thoughts first. Thanks!
I think I might have Social Anxiety - Anxiety Support
I think I might have Social Anxiety

Hey! Just wanted to say you aren’t alone in this. I dealt with a lot of the same things you did - awkwardness meeting new people, reluctance to keep up with people, especially new people - not calling up people to make plans. What it does is leaves you feeling really isolated and wondering if there’s something wrong with you. There isn’t anything wrong with you and it’s completely normal. What has helped me was I ended up pushing myself to talk to people, to try to make plans. If it doesn’t work out, then at least you gave it a shot. Don’t feel discouraged though, you just gotta try again. But when it gets the point that’s it’s really really hard and pushing yourself isn’t working, maybe it’s time to think about getting a therapist. Anyway I hope this helps ❤️
Hello Gaming, the symptoms definitely sound like social anxiety disorder and are similar to what i was like when i was your age. Good for you that you recognize you have an issue and want to do something about it. It takes courage admitting it and seeking help but it is definitely worth it. Following is my response to a previous poster. I've since recovered and no longer have social anxiety disorder.
Social anxiety disorder is treatable and you can definitely recover but it is up to you. The best way is to find a therapist or center that specifically treats social anxiety disorder. Usually they also incorporate group therapy which is valuable so you can see how common this disorder is and how others learn and deal with it. Don't waste your time working with a general therapist, you need to learn specific skills and understanding to recover from social anxiety. If there aren't any specific social anxiety therapists in your area there are some good online programs available. Look at the socialanxietyinstitute.org and overcomingsocialanxiety.com. Committing to and making the effort to recover is totally worth having a life.
Although it does have may of the symptoms of social anxiety disorder, it could also very likely be something else too. Something that tends to have social anxiety mixed in with it. Like generalized anxiety disorder or ADHD or countess other conditions. I say just go to a doctor and figure out what it is. I know it's scary, I felt the same way, but trust me. Diagnosis or no diagnosis, after you figure out what's going on, you'll be able to move on.
First of all .. Welcome to the club. You will get your pin and certificate in the mail
Social anxiety comes in all forms and it sounds like you are having some problems with it. I agree with the other respondents and you should talk to a therapist about it. They can discuss a proper treatment for you. Some treatments include: exposure therapy (putting yourself in a situation that would make you anxious and working through it), relaxation techniques (learning to relax the body and mind) and of course sometimes you may need medication. Just be glad you know yourself and you want to get help. There is nothing to be ashamed of and the fact you have acknowledged it.. that is a good first step.. Now try and get some help in managing it. You are not alone and best of luck!!
Thanks! Definitely think the sensible thing would be to see a professional. Just have to somehow force myself to do that now