Hello all, I'm a new member on this particular site and have found it interesting so far, I've not read all the blogs so please forgive me if I am repeating things
I think, most anxiety problems are usually from past negative experiences or from Significant Emotional Experience. I know about these as that's the profession I am in and have also had experienced with panic attacks and PTSD personally, all be it no longer have them.
I also think it's important to address these other wise you may not find resolution. You see, when we have had a SEE (Significant Emotional Experience) at some point in our lives, we then tend to naturally want to forget the whole experience, and it's kind of natural because our minds our trying to protect us by putting it way back in minds. However, now and again, the memory or SEE taps us on our shoulders and says..... hey remember me?? And then of course you remember it and off we go again, we start with anxiety, panic and our bodies react to all sorts of stress, such as headaches, heart palpitations and much more. Of course people react differently, but generally this is what happens. Now the reason why our negative memories re-appear is simply because our minds are looking for some resolution, or ending to it... which is good news!
Also, triggers too are also a factor. For example, something or someone might remind you of past events and then the mind and body starts to react to it and that might be the trigger. Then we may start to create phobias for ourselves, and this is common. And I'm not just talking about a spider phobia, I'm talking about social phobias etc.
It's really important to know about the mind and body connection, what we think in our minds has a say in how our bodies react and cope with it, so it's really important to address this. For example, when we are stressed... it increases cortisol, or high blood pressure, our cholesterol increases and our blood sugars increases. Have you ever heard this...
"calm down you will make yourself ill" well that's right it can happen. So this is why anxiety needs addressing.
Talking therapist are excellent (I'm not a massive fan of medication, however it has it's uses) and CBT is an NHS preferred one. But my favorite is NLP & Hypnosis. Now ok, you would be forgiven if you said "yes but this is your profession so your going to be biased" well, yes I might be... but that's only because what I do works!
I am a trained CBT, psychotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner and coach and Master Hypnotherapist so what I do for people really works.
If you've already done this and you say it doesn't work for you, then ask yourself... did I really get to the root cause? This is really important. You see, you learn how to have a anxiety condition, so you can also learn how not to have one!
Remember you owe it to yourself to be well, free of anxiety and you owe it to yourself to feel amazing.
I look forward to reading other blogs on here, take care