Hello everyone. I would like to share some food for thought. To say this, it may sound like an oxymoron because it is too much thinking that gets us into trouble in the first place. However, this may help many suffering from anxiety to understand how to heal. Anxiety does not have a single cause and many people experience anxiety due to a great variety of reasons. However, it is safe to say that people with healthy bodies and healthy minds have virtually zero chance to even understand what anxiety really is. Anxiety, as I understand it, is not an illness but a symptom of something going haywire inside our body and mind. Its all connected. Our body/mind system is magnificent bio-machine that continously works on resolving a multitude of issues daily beyond our conscious control. Only about 4% to 5% of all illnesses are due to genetic issues. That leaves about 95% of all illnesses to environmental factors. So is anxiety genetic? Unlikely. In some rare situations maybe but the percentage is probably extremely low. In Europe 40% of population suffers from depression so clearly it cannot be genetic. Depression and anxiety are related like brother and sister or opposite sides of a coin. Since over 95% of all illnesses are due to a variety of environmental factors, we can clearly assume that the onset of any illness is, to some extent at least theoretically, in our control. We cannot all move to an area with incredible pure air and pristine clean waters, however, we can minimize many factors to a great extent wherever we live by choosing consciously what we do and what we think. With that, here is that food for thought: Would you use dirty water to wash your clothes? And if you did, would you then even wear those clothes? Extremally unlikely. But this is exactly what many of us do with our selves! We pollute our bodies with junk foods, alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, pain killers, etc. We pollute our minds with horrific news, junk tv, vibrationally negative music, engage in negative conversations or thoughts, anger, jelousy, negative people, stressful jobs, prolonged stress, etc. You can update these lists with hundreds more examples if you wish. So we all look spanking clean on the outside but how does exactly our inside looks? How do we clean our bodies and minds from the ever present body/mind pollution? Anxiety is a sympton of our own, mostly unconscious, self abuse. And this abuse lasts lifetimes for many. So each individually please ask yourself this question: would your body be more healthy by adding more pollution to it? How about your mind? Would adding any additional negative stimulation help it be more healthy? There is a saying and I believe it goes like this: "In healthy body there is a healthy mind".
So, if you want to start somewhere, doing a 'laundry' with clean water may be the best thing you ever did to yourself yet.